My Magical Magical World
One of the things I find myself saying often is “I wish everybody could experience the things I experience. The world would be a better place.” So you know what, I’m gonna let you into my world just a little bit more today. I’m not exaggerating when I say magical things happen to me on a daily basis.
Almost daily anyway. And today I’m gonna start sharing those with you. If I can make a believer out of just one of you then this blog isn’t for nothin’.
It started out for my travels and I’ve conquered Costa Rica, but I’ve had a little distraction here in California so I’m going to establish a foundation, plant some seeds, watch ’em grow a little and then continue traveling. My travels will be extraordinary when the timing is right. And if there’s something I firmly believe in it’s divine right timing. Oh yes I do.
This happened this morning. Well it started yesterday and was confirmed this morning. I wanted to get my nails put back on because I like having acrylic nails, my mom never went a day without ’em. In fact, she was known for her beautiful nails.
“I guess the Divine is trying to tell me something…”
She worked at Cal State Fullerton for gosh I don’t know twenty something years, long time. And being from the area I had quite a few friends attending, including my best friends Jen Shepard, and Big D (Derrick Liggon). And let’s not forget Chad Peters, did Josh Reger go there, I think so, and Megan Bunge too. And many, many more. So anyway whenever my moms name would come up it would always be…
“she has the prettiest nails” along with,
“she’s so nice” and
“she’s so pretty” and don’t forget
Always and without fail lol. That’s because she truly was all of those.
Let’s be real, I have short sausage fingers (my mom and my brother have the long piano fingers) so naturally I wanna put ’em on cause they create the illusion my fingers are longer. So I put on my walking gear and headed to the nearest nail salon.
Long story short, I should’ve made an appointment because after three attempts and three different places I threw up my hands and laughed and said to myself well I guess the Divine is trying to tell me something cause it’s pretty crystal clear I’m not meant to have fake nails.
I’ve been learning for about a year now and know damn well when to throw in the towel and listen. Fine.
“I need a sign. Give me a sign.”
This morning I called to make an appointment for my nails. And damn it to hell if she didn’t hesitate. And I mean HESITATE. I’m thinking, REALLY?! Today too?! She reluctantly booked me for 5 o’clock. I hung up and said, “okay you guys, mom, really?
If you don’t want me to put acrylic on my nails, for real, I need a sign. Give me a sign. (I thought owl in my head but changed my mind and said out loud) “barking dogs.” Mind you, the neighborhood is relatively quiet and I hear the owl hooting more often than not. No sooner do I actually hear the owl and chuckle to myself, that’s exactly why I said dogs.
I did whatever for about 10 minutes and went to lay my head down for a minute and I swear to you no sooner did I close my eyes did I faintly hear dogs barking. All I could do was smile. I mean, it’s certainly not the first time I received confirmation, or an answer.
In fact this makes five. And just to make sure I heard ’em right I went out back to receive a phone call an hour later and heard it again. Been home all day and haven’t a heard a dog bark since, and it’s almost dark. I’ll tell you the other four times on other days.
“Ask and you shall receive.”
I know what some of you are thinking, gotta love skeptical peeps, makes this somewhat challenging. Although I really could give two shits if you believe me or not so it’s cool. I know and that’s all that matters to me.
That’s my angel brigade. Ask and you shall receive.
Thank you.
— Melissa Parker
— Your Friendly Neighborhood Fearless Leader
Little things are Big things……
I believe in you!!💜
You’re Amazing Melissa & plant seeds and watch them grow into big seeds. The sky the limit!!😀
##endlesspossibilitesona mission
thank you
I left you a comment
Hope you are well Melissa
I miss you & hope you continue to
enjoy your journey & keep enjoying your adventure.😀
I look forward to your journal stories posts.
Thinking of you!🤗 Kim
Love you so much. You I had a lil lull there for a second but I’m back on it. A new post today is coming. It’s taking a little turn though because I think the Truth is important and people should know. Miss you. Kiss the babies for me, Josh included (with tongue lol) OMG for those who don’t know, Josh is her hunky Hawaiian husband.