My Meditation Rescue

I’ve been playing this game so to speak with Spirit for maybe six months now. I haven’t really needed an alarm clock since my special needs job at the group home which was well over a year ago therefore I haven’t really needed to set an alarm. I also don’t have a clock in my bedroom, I do have my laptop and sometimes my phone near by but I’ve been working with my higher self and I’ve been waking myself up at the right time for a while now. For example, last night I was like okay self, wake me up in time to do everything I need to do in order to get to the skate center on time. The time for my session switched about a month ago so for the summer it’s two hours earlier than usual.

My heel hasn’t completely healed either but I’ve been sitting around my house all week and was really feeling the need to get out and socialize. Granted I’ve been reading and doing the work which if you ask me kind of has something to do with my bunk heel in the first place but that’s just me. I’ve been meaning to make more time for reading and it’s almost like Spirit did it for me. Actually the more I think about it all the more I’m leaning towards it’s my higher self that’s doing everything. I’d like to think I know me better than the universe at the end of the day but again, that’s just me.

I woke up this morning at 6:40 which is just enough time to do the necessities in order to make it to the rink on time. Not enough time to do my other new morning ritual which is meditation (but that’s okay) which brings me to that subject with a big fat…I knew it! It’s no secret that I somewhat struggle with the whole meditation process and for as long as I can remember, I’m not a fan. It’s been difficult not to beat myself up over it because from what I understood it’s kind of a big deal when it comes to spirituality. And then I read that I’m not doing it wrong, times are different so there’s a reason I’m not jiving with the old school way of meditation. What a sigh of relief let me tell ya.

For the past week though I’ve still been trying. The best way for me to meditate is first thing in the morning, I don’t know about you but the second I open my beautiful eyeballs my mind likes to be off to the races thinking about everything under the sun. So when I’m fresh out of my dream state I put on my headphones and starting listening to music. I don’t like sitting in silence “quieting my mind” because it just isn’t something I enjoy, it seems forced which isn’t enjoyable on any level. I’ve had to change my perspective on the word disciple too considering it’s also a word I don’t find much enjoyment with. Instead of forcing myself to do something I now think of it as something I do enjoy so instead of sitting in silence I listen to music instead.

I personally think the type of music is pertinent because our ears are our physical portals and what goes into them matters therefore I like music with no words so I don’t get stuck in nostalgia or let my mind wonder off thinking about whatever it is they’re singing about. At the end of the day meditation is to quiet the mind in order to be able to hear Spirit better. I’ve always put meditation on the back burner but something’s been telling me it’s almost close to crunch time so while I indeed need to discipline myself I also need to find enjoyment in it in order for me to want to continue it.

According to Kryon meditation changed with the New Age energy. Haha it didn’t change for me, I never really liked it in the first place. In all fairness though I did recently have my awakening, it’s recent compared to all those who woke up in 2012 which is a majority from what I understand. I’m not sure why my awakening happened so I had to be on a crash course, the only thing I can think of on my own is that if I woke up in 2012 and nothing really happened for me until twelve years later, I’d be banging my head against the wall even more so with the whole patience thing. That has to be by design, right? There’s no way, it’s hard enough waiting four years but here I am.

The example he used was when the technology came out to send emails and text messages people no longer needed to send letters in the mail. Now that communication has speeded up, the same goes for communicating spiritually. Now we also have the ability for instant communication with our higher selves, or God selves. We don’t have to spend all that time in silence waiting to connect or even receive answers. I’m old school when it comes to a lot of things but spirituality isn’t one of ’em, I’m definitely new age when it comes to how I think and perceive spirituality, for the most part. I think I just answered my own question as to why I awakened when I did too so yay there’s that.

Some of you (out of habit and a feeling of guilt) feel that unless you sit and meditate anyway, you somehow are not honoring the God part of you. Get used to the new method. For many this will mean never meditating in the old way again! -Kryon

Yasssssss. Don’t get me wrong I do do the occasional (I said doo doo lol) meditation when it comes to balancing my chakras or doing a Twin Hearts meditation from pranic healing but I never did like the old school way of meditating. For me though it is important to quiet my mind first thing in the morning because it sets my pace for the rest of the day. I also like to start my mornings with moments of gratitude giving thanks for all that I have.

Long story short I knew I needed to buckle down and start quieting my mind and some how I knew a week ago the time was now (cough cough my DNA) so I also knew how to start doing it the way that was going to work for me. It’s confirmation that whether I know what I’m doing or not I really do know what I’m doing, if that makes sense. Spirit did say to me not too long ago that I need to have zero doubts when it comes to my journey so this is just case in point.

For the record though in these past six months or so of playing the wake me up without an alarm game, I’ve only needed the alarm on my phone twice. The rest of the times I wake up with just the right amount of time to do all that I need to do before I go about my day. Some mornings it blows my mind. This morning was a big test which is funny because I’ve doing this test for six months if not longer. I didn’t set an alarm or even have my phone in my room and I passed (again). I think the real test this time was for me to know if I could stop testing myself and now I think it’s fair to say I can so yay. It’s all a big lesson in TRUST.

The universe be like, six months…really sister ? And I be like, yeah…patience yo

Fun fact about Kryon, he is also the voice that came from the burning bush that instructed Moses. It’s also the same voice that halted the arm of Abraham before he stabbed Isaac. I don’t know about you but I think that’s pretty effing cool.

Love and Light