I took a walk on the beach the other day and while it is something I enjoy doing I need to do it more often. It falls under the being in nature category which is a key component to living the lifestyle that’s best for me. A spiritual lifestyle, for me anyway, consists of many different practices all with the same common denominators and that’s making healthy choices, vibrating as high as possible and always doing what’s best for me and everyone around me. I love walking the beach and I want to be able to look back one day and say you know, I took advantage of the beauty of where I was and be truly grateful for having it. It reminds me of when I was living in Evergreen and while I don’t have regrets of course but if I could go back I would actually take time to soak in the beauty of it when I had the chance.
It’s really just a reminder of how important being in the present moment really is from day to day because nothing is permanent and the only thing constant is change so in order to keep you/me from having regrets it’s better to simply be mindful of where I am today and appreciate it as such because someday I will be somewhere else. All of this has me thinking about my next steps and what that entails. I have definitely embraced a spiritual lifestyle but I haven’t fully embodied it so that is what I plan on focusing on this summer.
I plan on meditating more, however, that is a word I tend to overthink because walking on the beach is a way of meditation. Anything that takes your mind of the daily distractions so you can hear Spirit is healthy for the mind. I used to think you had to sit there and think of nothing for a certain amount of time, it works for some, but is definitely not limited to how it’s done. With todays day and age and all the downloads, DNA activations, light codes and help from everything we cannot see meditation can be done in everything we do and in any way really. For me, I meditate every time I cut up my fruits and vegetables, walk the beach, listen to Kryon, arts-n-crafts, and especially my first morning thoughts while giving thanks.
Every single morning starts with giving thanks for all I have. I do that throughout the day as well but my mornings are my chance to also meditate on what I just dreamt about and what I have to look forward to for the rest of my day. Being okay with where you’re at and what you’ve got is essential to a healthy mentality. I’ve been saying this from the get go and that’s because it speaks truth and that’s that I may not have everything I want (yet) but I most certainly have everything I need. That’s by design in my opinion and a big part of me embracing humility. I actually thank the universe twice a day for having the most comfortable bed on the planet, I say it out loud when I crawl in and I say it when I open my eye balls. I believe it to be a gift-y-poo for sleeping in my car for a year. It’s imperative for me to be grateful for my bed while I have it because it’s not coming with me in my next phase of life.
The all mighty attitude of gratitude is one of the keys to the universe.
I’m pretty good about my eating habits and making healthy choices but it could be better. In fact I’m giving myself some leeway ’til July 5th and the new moon. I’m a new moon baby so new moons are very powerful for me and come July’s I will be setting some serious intentions with the intent of following through. It’s no secret discipline isn’t my favorite word but it’s a word I will be focusing on this summer. It’s 1:11 as I type this sentence. By writing this blog post I’m already setting my intentions but I will set ’em again next week as well.
I don’t need to lose weight but this summer I will be focusing on toning and building muscle, especially in my upper body. I plan on stepping up my yoga game. I started audio recording my sessions, I know the positions so now I can do yoga at home too. Yoga is so good for stretching and toning the muscles. As a matter of fact I’ve recently noticed that my shoulder is able to do so much more movement compared to when I started maybe six months ago. Getting hit by that Suburban, correction, smacking into that Suburban with my bike did a number on my shoulder but thanks to yoga it’s only getting better. Sit-ups, blech lol, I’ve never particularly cared for them but I have to discipline myself by just doing it and doing it regularly.
It’s funny because Spirit most definitely speaks directly to me (and you) through other people and a couple weeks ago I was listening to Rion from Team Light and all I can remember now was him saying something along the lines of the time is coming so start doing your sit-ups. All I heard was start doing your sit-ups and it keeps repeating in my head so it’s an intention for the new moon now. Another example is a couple months ago in one of the sermons at church, all I heard in that given moment was you’re eating too many chocolate chips. I remember the moment clear as day to this very day, I laughed so hard inside because I kid you not my favorite snack at that time was walnuts and chocolate chips. Both of them not the best snack as they’re both high in calories and sugar. I stopped eating that snack and wouldn’t you know it, I dropped some weight. If you make healthy choices with what you’re eating you’re weight will balance itself. And just to be clear, walnuts are a great snack but I was consuming too many at a time.
If you’re tuned in and listen for what Spirit has to say, you will hear it.
Speaking of sermons, today’s what a great example of why I enjoy attending. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…just because we don’t agree on everything doesn’t mean I don’t still want to go and listen, I’m always tuned in so there’s always something to gain. Today it was all about marriage and communication. I was sitting next to one of my favorite people and he whispered to me jokingly that he must’ve gotten an ‘F’, in response to whatever the pastor said about a successful marriage. I told him that relationships aren’t about longevity, they’re more about soul growth so actually he received an ‘A’ because she wasn’t helping him grow anymore so she had to go. Some words for the wise in all relationships, not just romantic…
10 communication killers…
- Talking too much
- Devaluing how someone feels or thinks
- Derogatory comments
- Busyness
- Dishonesty
- Disrespect
- Unloving
- Saying ‘you never’ or ‘you always’
- Bringing up the past
- Using silence to punish
I couldn’t help myself when I leaned in to tell my friend, “unless you’re married to a narcissist, then all that goes out the window.” We got a good chuckle out of that because he was, and one of a narcissist’s favorite things to do is ignore people as punishment. I’m not judging, I’m just saying because I speak from experience. I wasn’t married to one but I definitely have had my fair share. I have also changed my way of thinking when it comes to narcissism, narcissists need love too. Acceptance is key because narcissists, in my opinion, are put in your life to help you learn and grow. They help you find your self-worth by making you stand up for yourself before you take your power back by walking away for good. That’s been my experience anyway.
I’m looking forward to this summer even though it’s already started, I’m looking forward to what Spirit has next for me. On top of all my new goals I plan on working as much as possible to save for my next adventure which is traveling Route 66 start to finish come Fall. So yay there’s that! With that I’ll leave you all with some pictures of why my job is super cool and why there’s never a dull moment in Huntington Beach.
Love and Light