My Quest For Remembrance Continues

Boy did I ask for it. I almost wouldn’t believe it myself if she didn’t point out stuff I’ve already experienced or say just about everything I’ve already mentioned throughout the years. Except the Blue Heart, that’s a new one for me. And as a matter of fact it was a new one for her too, mind you she’s just channeling information so she doesn’t even know what’s about to come out of her mouth until it does. That’s just how channeling works, this kind anyway. I hope you find yourself in a comfy spot cause this one’s going the distance.

I can’t explain how I know all of this to be true, I just do. You know, my blog is the only thing I’ve been super consistent with since the day I started it. As an Aries I’m really good about starting projects but tend to lose interest however long into ’em if they don’t completely captivate me, it’s different with everything of course. I still have books I need to finish, because there’s lots of books let me tell ya, but not my blog. Without fail, I show up and write, sometimes I don’t even remember everything I wrote about the day before not to mention the months prior. Information shows up in my life one way or another and there’s just something in me that knows I have to write about it no matter how crazy it may seem to the outside world. There’s times, like right now where it sounds out there for even me but it’s my higher self, it’s my soul that knows where I’ve been and where I’m headed, and it’s my soul that knows how all of this will end up, I just have to physically show up.

Who are you (seen from your divine blueprint) by The Nordic Light is a video that crossed my path not too long ago and these are the things she had to say about some more of my origins, just some more pieces of the puzzle to where it all began. Apparently I am some kind of wisdom keeper, I’m holding knowledge within my soul (my guess is it’s tucked deep within my DNA) which is why there’s a need to protect it. A need to protect my soul along with the knowledge hidden within it. I am a master healer which I have to say has been showing up a lot lately. I also wanna say I’m doing everything to make sure that doesn’t go to my head which makes me wonder if perhaps that’s the reason why I’m humbled on a daily. There are certain aspects of my life right now that most would be like um no thank you but they’ve just become the norm for me. It’s all by design I’m sure and some day I’ll elaborate more on what those are but not today.

My soul is very interested in cultivating healing and alchemy. My divine blueprint which is the map of my soul is huge which explains why I have an old soul. I’m drawn to alchemy in this lifetime along with healing, shamanism and magic because I’m good with energies. I’ve developed my gifts through many many lifetimes with many soul incarnations, as well as incarnating in many places around the galaxy and universe. My soul is holding some kind of wisdom when it comes to transforming energies from dark to light which is a very powerful gift in and of itself. I have a very special soul type, a loner if you will.

Loners of the universe are very strong individuals with strong integrity and values, they have a strong character that are almost born from the Source to become very powerful healers and protectors of universes and galaxies. They have a warrior spirit. They are very different from other souls and there are not many on this planet. Speaking of loners and warriors, I watched a video while having lunch and taking a break from writing and when I went to save it just now I couldn’t help but notice a category I didn’t recall was even there. These are the only two things in it, I don’t even remember creating the playlist so how’s that for synchronicity. I’ll tell you what too, ever since the The Painted Veil I’ve started taking a liking to listening to piano music. Actually, I used to love the piano, I played back in the day. I taught myself how to play a few songs anyway. Tarantella was my favorite.

My mission is to bring (channel) some kind of knowledge or healing technique to transform and transmute energies. I’ve been in quite a few war zones, not just in this lifetime but throughout all of my lifetimes and because of that I’ve developed the skills of being a diplomatic peacemaker. My journey comes with a loneliness or sense of being alone because my soul type is few and far between. She said I am a very old soul, thanks for the confirmation. When my soul was created there weren’t very many souls in the universe so my energy is very different. She said I do have a sharp mind with the ability to see through illusions and boy ain’t that the truth.

I have a strong mission with a strong calling. Explains why I keep going no matter the circumstances, no matter how hard it gets and no matter how alone I may feel. I’m here with some serious purpose people, I’ve always known that I just don’t know what it is yet. She went on to explain that until I figure out what it is I’m here to do I may feel somewhat lost on Earth. Again with some truth which helps me understand so thank you. I need my calling and connection with the divine to give me meaning and I need that meaning because it ties me to my roots, it will tell me exactly who I am. When I’m clear about who I am and what my mission is, that’s when my life will really make sense and when you ask me when my career will actually start. My mom always said I was a late bloomer.

She continued by saying I do have a soul family here which was a relief. I mean I’m sure I do but there’s times when I’m like, do I though because what I wouldn’t give to have someone of the same frequency these days not only to bounce ideas off of but just someone to lean on. She also said my tribe isn’t of the same soul type because I am different, I’m from far far away. Haha maybe that’s why I like Star Wars so much (the originals anyway), because I’m from a galaxy far far away. In all fairness I did have a dream where I was socializing in the bar from Empire Strikes Back, so there’s that.

According to her I’m from the beginning of time when Source actually started creating separate souls from It’s energy. But I’m also very much a human being because I’ve incarnated on planet Earth for quite some time. I very much have (had) human karma and a human personality. I have a lot of human energy (I’m not for everybody lol) with a lot of human lessons (that’s an understatement) and human soul contracts which is also a big part of my journey. She said I will shift careers many times over before I figure out what it is I’m here to do. She nailed that one on the head, I thought it was just me. I have had a lot of different jobs throughout the past thirty five years and a lot of cool ones at that. I worked at a comedy club, been a Miller Lite girl, worked for Argus which put me at all the music venues in the greater Denver area, canned fish in Alaska one summer, volunteered in Costa Rica, and worked with special needs off and on my whole life to name a few.

I’m a powerful protector and am connected to the energy of Archangel Michael. In fact there’s a lot of angelic energy within my soul, however I’m not necessarily an angelic being because my soul is older than angels. Not sure how that’s even possible but okay and I’m sure time will tell. It’s funny because what came out her mouth next was almost what I was thinking when she said, “I have no idea what I’m even saying, I’m just channeling now but it’s almost like the angels brought you to this dimension, to this galaxy because they needed a special group of souls that are studying in the hidden schools of alchemy or something to that nature.” Basically, I was brought here because I was needed.

Speaking of angels though, according to Michael Mirdad there’s angels and then there’s light beings but according to Kryon I do believe he said they’re one in the same. Does it really matter? Not to me per se but when a majority do believe in angels we’ll just leave it at that for now, baby steps. The Bible does speak of light beings quiet a bit, when translated correctly, so who’s to say but for me I try not to put anything in a box anymore. Humans are the only species who like to compartmentalize.

Needless to say I have a very strong connection and work closely with the angels. She also said I am connected to dragons or creatures that look very similar to dragons. I’m a shapeshifter which I’ve heard many times over but what she said next was beyond super cool. I can be like tiny particles or just space, space floating around in high consciousness, much like super consciousness and then shapeshift into different forms depending on where I’m currently doing my work. Right now I would be shapeshifted into a human.

I’m powerfully protected which is also something I know to be true and have heard many a times. The reason behind it, besides that I’m carrying knowledge in my DNA is because in this incarnation I’m dealing with a lot of negative energies, nailed that one too! It’s in my souls interest to cultivate and understand, to explore the dark side of the earth, the dark side of the human psyche. I mean, that explains a lot really, and not just with other people but also with myself. Many of those war zones were battles where I was my worst enemy, I was fighting with myself. I wanted to experience the dark side of duality which created a lot of suffering and pain but it’s all from a higher soul level wanting to become the best protector I can possibly be. I can’t help but think about the time I woke up out of the dream state with a knowing so mysteriously profound I wrote it down, I had to. I didn’t know why I just knew I had to, I’ve shared it before.

I’m here to evolve with some kind of gift and knowledge which are hidden deep within and when the time is right I will be activated. What she had to say next blew my mind a little and for me was confirmation that everything she’s saying has some truth to it all. I’m here to share a certain knowledge with humanity, to help people get out of negative energies.

to help the collective get out of heavy energies of fear

That’s awesome because in case we haven’t met, I’m Fearless Aries. She then pulled the Blue Dragon from the Pleiades card which is more reassurance for me. The Blue Dragon prepares you to accept Source healing, accept heart activation and give and receive heart healing. Apparently my heart is the key. That reminds me of The Disclosure Festival day 3 where I had an energy healing and she went straight to my heart. Here’s the link for that article. angels called upon me to help because I have a Blue Heart which is a higher and different kind of love energy. My heart is important because it’s the key to unlocking and connecting with my Blue Heart.

I remember hearing somewhere along the way that my divine counterpart will be the one to help activate my spiritual gifts. There’s no doubt in my mind there’s only one person truly meant for me which is why I’m single and will continue to be until divine timing allows for the reunion. It’s also why I have a longing for it all, my soul knows what’s up and my soul knows what’s next and is why I’m feeling so antsy-pants about it these days.

My way of loving is different, my love language is different, my way of thinking is different, everything with me is different which is why even amongst the spiritual community I feel different. I don’t even know what that all means exactly but yes I do feel different, especially as the time goes by and I continue to evolve. She continued with I do connect with people but oftentimes I feel frustrated because I can’t really connect which leaves me feeling lonely at times because I want to take things a step higher in some way and just can’t.

Allow me to share with you how true that is as I just really felt that exact way recently. My church started a new Bible study three weeks ago and I did attend the first two but had to make the decision to stop going. Mind you, the study is season 3 of The Chosen and we all know how much I love that production. I couldn’t pass up the chance on watching The Chosen on the big screen but after two times I just couldn’t do it anymore and it’s for the simple fact that I’ve outgrown that conversation. I’ve learned all I needed to learn and I have to keep moving forward. Don’t get me wrong I don’t want to seem as though I’m better than anyone, it’s just that I keep evolving while everyone else is still talking about the same things and this case it was forgiveness. I’ll even share the notes I took on July 22nd.


There was a light flickering just out of the corner of my right eye, I’ve experienced maybe not often but I’ve seen it a handful of times while in the sanctuary during services. Forgiveness, I get it, it was the theme of the episode but it was just hard for me because I wanted to elaborate but I was torn on whether or not to say anything and my gut told me to just  be quiet. The discussion then continued with information that I no longer resonate with, or even agree with. After giving it one more try the following week I opted to stop attending. It’s difficult for me now and again as the time passes because there’s so much I want to share but cannot. I outgrew my church a while ago, my attendance has now turned into every other Sunday to play with the babies, sadly. There is still a handful of people there though too that I thoroughly enjoy. In all fairness, my growth has been pretty rapid, I’ve mentioned before I feel like I’m on an ascension fast track which now that I think about it is also by design.

It’s a lot I know, believe me. Imagine my conversations these days when people want to know what I’m gonna do with the rest of my life, surely I’m not gonna work on the pier for the rest of it. I was recently asked if I was gonna go back to school and I’m like ummm I don’t know, I’m just waiting to see what God has planned next for me which is the truth but what I really want to say is I’m already in school. I’m in graduate school currently working on my masters degree in alchemy so I can get my PhD in the Healing Arts. I wish I could say that but my journey is so different than most and until my gifts are activated it’s just too hard to explain.

Astrotheology is word that has sparked my interest as of recent. Haha well no wonder I’ve outgrown it, I don’t think anyone wants to talk about astrotheology at church.


Happy Lions Gate portal peak day 8/8/2+0+2+4=8

8/8/8 = 888 = abundance baby

The Lions Gate portal opens when the sun in Leo aligns with Sirius, the brightest star in the galaxy. The Ancient Egyptians believed it to be our spiritual sun, a symbol of great awakening, abundance and vitality. The peak of the portal is on the 8th day of the 8th month, a culmination of radiance and powerful manifestation energy. It’s said that we can integrate high vibrations of Sirius into our being helping us to unlock greater awareness, new layers of our soul contracts and light codes that we came to this earth to explore. 88 is associated with rebirth and enlightenment (and the Pleiades). We’re called to  move through this time with our whole heart, to ride the emotional waves knowing we’ve completed our karmic lessons up to this point. We are ready for new adventures, we’re ready because we’ve realized we finally have our wings.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a date with a walk on the beach.

Love and Light