My Ripple Effect

It’s easy to feel like we’re not making a difference in this world, I mean who am I really in a sea of 8 billion? Then I have shifts like I did yesterday that allow me to see the bigger picture giving me that encouragement to keep going because I really am making a difference. It made me feel good knowing that I have a ripple effect and it really does reach other people. Confirmation once again that I’m here with purpose and one of those purposes is to be the light for others.

My coworker is on the all meat diet and has been for a while. For whatever reason he likes to show me his meat when we do a changing of the guards. That sounds so wrong lol. Immature I know but it’s also funny. Anyway, yesterday when he showed me his ribeye I asked him if he thanked the cow for sacrificing it’s life so he could eat and he replied, “yeah, I do every time now because of what you said last time.” Which is exactly what I just said. It made me feel good because not only is he actually listening but he’s also changing for the better.

I then had a customer beeline it to the register and asked if I remembered him and his buddy, they came in a couple months ago and were from one of the rehabs in the area. The buddy wasn’t present and I didn’t ask why but he handed me something and said his friend wanted me to have it. It was a bracelet that fit better as an anklet and I was taken aback trying to remember exactly who he was. And then it all came back to me.

I had forgotten to ring up an abalone shell his friend had me set aside before we got to talking. He was really excited about it because he was from a landlocked state, I think Tennessee. We had a great conversation about rehab in general and I was so bummed when I realized I had forgotten to even ring it up but was then pleasantly surprised to see them sitting not too far on a bench listening to a local artist playing on the pier. I ended up purchasing it for him and was eager to hand it over, when I  did I reiterated (after I told him I forgot it) how proud I was of him and to keep going because life is a journey.

I must’ve made an impression because he continued the kindness with this gift. It just goes to show once again that you never know how you can impact some ones life in a positive way just by showing some loving kindness. It’s a lotus flower and I can’t think of a better metaphor than a beautiful flower growing from out of the muck to describe me at this point. I’ve come so far on my journey and he didn’t know the half of it.

I didn’t ask why his buddy wasn’t present I was just thankful to have received it. For the record, rehab isn’t easy and I should know because I’ve been there three times. I’ve probably said it before and I’ll say it again, you can’t force anyone to go to rehab, that choice has to come from within. Each time I went to rehab it wasn’t for me, it was to please someone else. And guess what, each time it didn’t work. My longest stretch was five months when I was in Evergreen, Colorado. Quick story, I was leaving my sponsors house in the mountains one day and hit a deer going maybe 20 miles an hour on a dirt road, I watched that poor thing helicopter up and over into a ravine. I cried all the way to the liquor store lol and that was the end of that stretch of sobriety for a few years short of a decade.

Clearly I wasn’t ready and that’s okay because I still had a lot of (hard) lessons to learn. There’s many layers to addiction and one of ’em is self-worth. I don’t care who you are or what you do, everyone has self-worth issues on some level. In my opinion everyone incarnates with some form of self-worth necessity that needs attention, it’s a big part of our growth process to help us recognize how magnificent we really are. Here’s a positive thinking self-realization pro tip…make your passwords short affirmations such as I am loved, I am worth it, I am God. I thanked the guy who delivered my gift and asked him to thank his buddy for his thoughtfulness.

Thank you, the two most important words in any language.

It’s 10:27 as I look up the definition of a ripple effect…

Happy 7/7 portal.

They dropped me in the middle so I could make a ripple effect.

Love and Light