My Serenity

My Serenity





Can we define serenity and what that means to you?
Peace within a soul, or the little things we do?

For me it’s finding comfort, appreciate the silence.
Accepting ones owns faults, and offering some guidance.  

The calm within the chaos, while chillin all alone.
Hearing some ones voice, without answering a phone.

Laughing at oneself, doesn’t matter all the what.
Still finding a way out, when the doors already shut.

No shame if I do fail, the only way I learn.
Remembering how to share, and always taking turns.

Forgetting all the gossip, no need to call out names.
We’re all just human beings, so be done with all the games.

Admitting when we’re wrong, always willing to forgive.
Chasing all our dreams, and loving how we live.

Random acts of kindness, giving just because we can.
Volunteering time, and to have a master plan.

Things that do spark joy, like rain and how it smells.
Graffiti on the walls, and the stories that it tells.

Love that see no color, a truth behind a lie.
The answer “just because”, and a little piece of pie.

Ridding of the fear, showing gratitude.
Killing them with kindness, without an attitude.

A pot no longer stirred, lessons learned before.
A simple note to self, that sometimes less is more.

But where I find most peace, freedom and intuition.
What makes my heart sing most, is love with no conditions!

— Melissa Parker
— Your Friendly Neighborhood Fearless Leader

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