My Soul & The Real Creation Story

It’s official. I AM Pleiadian. Ask and you shall receive. Thank you Kryon for making it crystal clear. But first lets talk about the soul. The soul is part of our DNA of course, it’s in every chemical in our body. It resides in the energy of our consciousness. It resides in ways we can’t even imagine, and it loves us beyond measure. It’s accessible in ways we don’t know because as humans we aren’t equipped with the concepts to understand all that the soul is. And you don’t know what you don’t know.

Think of the most beautiful colors you’ve ever seen and that would be it.

Think of the most benevolent Force you’ve ever felt, that would be it.

The most love you’ve ever had for anyone or from anyone, that would be your soul.

The soul surpasses anything you’ve ever experienced on the planet.

Now lets talk about the old soul. It really grabbed my attention when the exact words to come through my headphones were old soul let me tell you who you are. Can’t help but to notice that’s my million dollar question these days. He continued to say that it may sound outlandish but it needs to be heard anyway. Nothing really sounds weird to me anymore, in fact, I’ve grown to like weird. He went on to explain how when humanity was ready, at the evolutionary stage (way beyond the caveman) we were seeded by the Pleiadians.

The seeding took place in Lemuria by the old souls who came from Pleiades. You have to remember or understand that when it comes to reincarnation we are not limited to this planet. We have to come from somewhere he says which grabbed my attention again because it felt like he was speaking directly to me. I’ve recently asked where I came from, where did it start start? Here’s my answer. There’s a set of entities and soul groups that incarnated and it’s been happening for millions of years in other places.

I came from the Pleiades. I agreed to drop what I had evolved to to come back into a form that was basic because in order to receive the seeds I had to be of a certain kind of chemical readiness, I had to have a soul remembrance, all the things I’d never heard had to be correct for the seeds to take, in order for the meld of the DNA and the chromosomes to move around. All of that had to take place in order for me to become who I am. I’ll be honest, I don’t know exactly what that all means but that’s what he said and it sounds good to me. I did have to reread it, especially the things I’d never heard a few times before it finally clicked.

The creation story of Adam and Eve is similar. Adam and Eve too were special. They were what now are old souls. They came fresh from another place ready to receive the knowledge of light and dark. It wasn’t random and I’ll add and reiterate that she didn’t come from a rib. Sorry, spoiler alert but I’ve mentioned that before. That story line just didn’t jive with me, it didn’t feel right. Sure it goes against the belief of everyone I interact with at church, all Christians believe that story as a matter of fact. But not me. I don’t know which story sounds crazier at the end of the day but if you’ll believe Eve came from a rib then it shouldn’t be too far fetched to think it possible she came from another planet instead.

I have this sense, a sigh of relief knowing I’m not just an old soul, I’m a very old soul who came from the Pleiades which is a system like no other. I went from having everything to almost having nothing because I saw the potential and wanted to assist humanity in the ascension process. I couldn’t help but kind of chuckle when he said that I went from having everything to nothing because I’m like another metaphor. I just went through that, I’m still going through it, as far as having everything four years ago to losing everything. I was then placed in my car in order to (re)learn everything, all the secrets of the universe, light and dark and so forth. All so I can be of service. How many lifetimes have I lived the last couple hundred thousand years? What all have I been through to get to where I’m at today? A lot! I still have questions but you’re welcome lol.

The Pleiades, the seven sisters with nine suns and three habitable planets, three planets all inhabited by enlightened humanoids, and have been for 2 million years. Earth has a mere 200,000 under its belt and 100 of which were from Lemuria so 50,000 is where it really began but the Pleiadians have been at it for 2 million years and have gone through what we’re going through today. They too had a time frame to reach ascension and went into graduate status much like we are now. They even went through roughly 10,000 years of killing one another, sound familiar? With time they passed the marker and began to receive the information needed to move forward.

I must say, with listening to these messages I can’t help but to wonder that if they went through the same exact thing, that would lead me to believe all this really is intentional and there really is no other way to elevate the consciousness of humanity. I bring it up because it also seems to contradict what I thought previously that Earth was never intended to be this way. Was it intended to be this way all along? I could go either way. If I can sit here and say that the Light has already won and everybody comes here with a basic blueprint with how their life will unfold, then all of this really would be intentional. I do believe that it will get better so I have to lean that all this, Covid especially, is playing out how it was meant to and is why I need to just go with the flow and focus on where my journey’s taking me. Heard.

Asking (the right) questions is another key to the universe. 

Pleiadian DNA is much like human DNA and is formed all over the galaxy, it’s the building block of life. We will start to understand DNA better when we start discovering life on other planets in our solar system. DNA is everywhere.

DNA 44 55 66 77 88

What happens at 88? 88 is when we start to merge with the soul. We are designed to be divine. We are designed to live forever. Every single cell is renewable, they keep going and going and going, especially the divine in us. A Pleiadian is the closest thing to you’ll ever see to an angel. Wait, what? A Pleiadian is the closest thing you’ll ever see to an angel and that’s because they’re functioning at 88%. That explains all my angel signs and synchronicities. I knew humans couldn’t be angels and figured it must be a metaphor but this is even better, thanks.

Side note, as I was taking notes on everything Kryon was saying there came a point where I put the heels of my hands over my eyes. It was a feeling of gratitude where I almost cried because it was so many answers to my questions. When I did that I saw what looked to me like deep space with beautiful stars. It was pitch black with the most perfect white specks that looked like little tiny diamonds. I forgot about it until I went to type this article and referred to my journal. It looked similar to this but again it was a perfect black with perfect little white stars that looked like perfect little diamonds. It was so simple yet I feel like it was one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen. It was simply magnificent. I’ll even share my journal.


He was also explaining why I see the number 88 everywhere. I’ve been seeing the number 88 for years but never really wrote about it because they weren’t triple digits. It’s 2:22 as I type this sentence. I pay most of my attention to angel numbers which tend to be triple digits. So awesome. Pleiadians have control over physics. they’re entangled with anything they so choose. The human soul is divine physics at its best. And make no mistake, the Creator is in our soul. The Creator is the master physicist of the universe and there’s a piece of It residing in our souls.

The Pleiadians live in a ‘society’ where only togetherness of Love exists, they’re the closest things to angels you’ll ever experience, they’re functioning at 88% of the Creative Source and have been for 2 million years. And in case you were wondering, yes they too were seeded by others. Some more fun facts, Earth is the only planet with free choice, or free will, in the galaxy at this moment. We just passed a marker and a big one at that, and all of life with divine DNA knows it. The signal’s been sent which brings about a time of celebration and hope, not to mention visitors and help.

Love and Light from Pleiades