My Vibes Speak Louder Than My Words

So in a matter of two and a half hours, having lunch with some friends I managed to be tested by the Universe, and passed mind you, have a complete system overload of angel numbers and confirmation I’m so not alone.

I’m not here to gossip so I’ll spare you the names but as I’m sitting at lunch I ran into someone who I thought I might be able to trust but they proved otherwise in recent past and have since been deleted completely from my life, along with the rest of their family members. “I texted you a few days ago” she said. LOL lies. After telling her I don’t have a phone anymore she says, “I guess I’ll just see you around then” and I replied I guess so and that was the end of that. I will say this though I do miss my Aunt Denise.

I have zero tolerance for bad behavior. I have zero tolerance for dishonesty and I have zero tolerance for superficiality. Zero. I see right through the bullshit. Of course I had to learn the hard way with a lot of it but that’s okay because I’m all the wiser and I see right through it now. All of it. While it’s not my fault people don’t know better and sometimes you just can’t fix people I certainly now choose carefully who I allow into my circle. If your frequencies aren’t vibrating love, honesty, compassion and truth well then I’m sorry but I’m good. Snip snip snippety snip.

So there’s no doubt in my mind that it was a test from the Universe as I’m closing out a cycle of learning my lessons. A test to make sure I don’t allow this kind of behavior back into my life because I’ve worked so hard to cut it out. On top of that I saw a boat load of angel numbers. Even for me and with where I’m at on my journey it was a serious system overload LOL. I was like DAMN GINA (Martin Lawrence reference). Here they be in the order in which they came….

777, 999, 999, 333, 444, 999, 1133, 0000, 711, 333, 999, 5555, 333, 000, 666, 000, 888, 000.

That’s a lot for two and a half hours and on top of that I get a lot of my messages through music so I’ve been told to pay attention especially when you hear songs that repeat. Well this song played twice in two hours, once on the way to the restaurant and again on the way back. Twice and on two different radio stations. Trust and believe….I’m paying attention!

Such awesomeness.

And as a proof read this blog it is 3:33.

Love and Light