Narcissism and Spirituality

I had an epiphany this morning, after like twelve hours of sleep, damn. I’ve actually said this before but it has now become completely obvious that narcissists are spiritual cock-blockers. They are put in your life to come along and WHACK, knock you right off your enlightening path. For me anyway. It doesn’t have to be the road to enlightenment, it can just be a life of simple happiness. And I can say this because I’ve lived it on so many levels. Here’s how they knock you down….

They make you doubt yourself…gaslighting
They make you beg for their forgiveness…silent treatment
They make you feel like it’s all your fault…victim mentality
They devalue your worth…lies and cheating (if they get caught)
They make you question spirituality…steer you away from God and scoff at anything related to something bigger than we are
They suck you dry…they are energy vampires and will suck the life outta you in as little as like 10 minutes, it’s different for all of ’em as we as empaths also have different levels
The list goes on and on and on…circles, they are a looped track of confusion and chaos

I’ve actually been saying it for about six months, probably longer, that narcissism literally blew up over night and that’s because it did. And you wanna know why? Because we are in the midst of a spiritual warfare that’s on the brink of discovery and the devil needs all the help he can get.

Side note. Does it surprise me that the keyboard on my laptop is NOT cooperating and typing is frustrating the fuck outta me? NO because that’s how the devil works, he plays dirty.

So all of a sudden in the era we are living in these little energy suckers pop up all over night, BAM BAM BAM, because he knows he’s losing and will lose too btw, but plants these little fuckers to deter us from evolving and ascending and making this world a better place. UGH. So onto him!

I’ve lost the second love of my life, the first was my high school sweetheart and that went to shit in a sea of lies that one day I will reveal too. Although the second was a narcissist so was it even real? Hard to say but still hurt nonetheless. I’ve lost my dad, the covet narcissist and while I haven’t lost my brother and I will never given up on him, he has made it painfully known that believing in me just isn’t in his cards right now which is a tell tale sign I need to distance myself. I can coexist with him, it just makes me have to work even harder but I’ll never let something like working harder stop me from anything.

Again, it just hurts but that’s just the correlation to learning to control my emotions and accepting the fact that I can’t be responsible for others actions and only learn that my reactions are more important. Be the master of your own emotions. And don’t take everything personally because they are not our cross to bear.

So moral of the story, how do you deal with a narcissist? YOU DONT!

Off to the beach for free vitamin D. God is good! And that is why through the all the trials and tribulations I do my best to remain in the attitude of gratitude. And vitamin D helps LOL. WORD!