Never Fear God

Your consciousness, what you expect, what you think and what you’ve been taught depicts how you receive information. There’s great sorrow when it comes to this planet and how we’re taught to perceive that which is the Creator Source. Who is God to you? What have you been told God is? Is that even the correct word? Is it that which is the creator of everything that exists? And is it to be feared? Well that’s what we’ve been taught. News flash, this fear gets in the way of love, compassion and healing, not to mention life.

I know for me it is yet another issue I have, actually it drives me a little nutty every time I hear, read or see to fear God. It’s that exact perception of God, that He should be feared, and it clearly states it in the Bible. It is very controversial but it’s not something I’m afraid to express or explore because I have a deeper knowing never to fear God. God does not have a human’s consciousness. How do you define that which is pure love surrounding everything that is, that’s unconditional, that has so much love for you that this God knows your name? You are a part of that Creator Source because your soul was made by God. And your soul is eternal. You are loved so much that you are part of all that is and you exist.

Then we come down to earth, into a lower energy, a much lower energy. For thousands of years human beings have decided that God is a human of some kind. Every time a doctrine’s been made making God angry, vindictive or jealous and had rules of punishment.. that’s a type of father, yes, but a human father, not the creator of the universe. Why is it when we go into places where it says God is love, God will also punish you if you don’t behave or if you don’t do this or that? Do you really think the creator of the universe, the definition of love and compassion, can punish you? How convenient that those who will say you only have one life, and you’re living it, and it better be a good one because at the end of that life your soul will be tormented and judged. Fear of God. You’ve been programmed to fear God. This is so huge. So where do you go from here?

God wants you to ask questions, you should be questioning just about everything in society today. Sometimes the truth is hard to hear, sometimes the truth hurts, sometimes the truth is unbelievable, but the most beautiful gift we can give each other is the truth. If you really want to know about God the best way to find your answers is to simply ask Him yourself.

What if you were never really given the truth? And it’s not a conspiracy because the truth is now finally starting to come out and in a much better light than older energy because back in the day that’s the best they had. The doctrines that you’ve learned and been programmed with is the best that they had at the time. I’ll continue to say it, while some of the Bible is the word of God, there are parts of it that was used to keep human beings in line so that they would behave and follow orders and pay their dues and live their lives by rules devised by those with a desperate need for power and control.

If you study it hard enough and/or long enough you’ll start to realize that the whole hierarchy of the idea of God doing this that and the other and requiring this that and the other, worshiping and then punishing, having a soul go to a horrible place if they don’t behave, it’s all allegory and it’s all human story. It’s not divine. It’s not real. And all your life that’s what you’ve been told. So of course you would fear God. The creator of this universe loves you dearly and isn’t to be feared. The creator of this universe who loves you beyond measure is part of your soul and all of your energy and is aligned with you and is waiting to give you and teach you compassion, kindness and all things beautiful.

If you’re questioning your perception of your own divinity and God, like I said if you really want to know the answers you should ask God yourself. Not only does He want to hear from you but He most certainly wants to answer you. If you’re wondering how you can do that or aren’t quite comfortable with doing that then here’s a prayer that has been brought to my attention for me to share with you for this exact reason…

“Dear Spirit, dear God, I want to forget everything I’ve been told about you right now and wipe the slate clean and let you tell me who you are. Show me the benevolence and the love that’s there. Let it fill my heart with peace and understanding so that I’ll understand that perhaps you’re different, perhaps you’re not a father at all, like a human is, perhaps you’re far beyond any consciousness that I can perceive. Perhaps you love me so much that I’ll never be alone, that you’ll always be with me, that there will be guides and angels with me throughout this lifetime. Perhaps I’m here to learn to love you and not to fear you. Show it to me.”

“Dear Spirit, dear Creator Source, show me a bigger picture, one that nobody has ever showed me. And do it in a way that’s not with pictures on the wall or in books needed to be read, but in a way I can’t miss it. Give me the synchronicity of others who might give me the same message perhaps in another way. Show it to me in my dreams, or even better, perhaps show me right now. Fill me with so much love that I will never fear that which is God again. I want to know you so well and love you so much and feel your compassion and kindness like I’ve never felt before. Show me so I can just sit back and laugh at the allegory that I was told, like a child being told a fairy tale that never existed and then when I grew up it got corrected.”

The time is now for the correction. Another piece of the Great Awakening puzzle. There is no reason ever for any human to fear that which is the Creator Source, He would never punish you. Be aware that this Creator Source is responsible for everything you see, when you look up in the sky day or night, He knows your name and wants to fill you completely with love. You are not a small dot on a moving planet. You are an eternal soul. There are purposes and reasons for you and your consciousness and your life and they align 100% with God’s plan of love and compassion and change on this earth. When you realize this you can start living with the Light that is yours and you’ll never fear God again.

And so it is.

Love and Light