New Earth Channeling

Mainstream media’s distorted reports on Israel’s assaults and Iran’s tit for tat warmongering, billions more in cash and weaponry for Israel and Ukraine, and burgeoning anti-Semitism could be considered theatre of the absurd. If those situations were not hurting so many people and ending tens of thousands of lives eventually the truth will strip away the media spin on those important matters and all others where the Illuminati are causing traumatic conditions behind the curtain of the global stage.

The white hats and extraterrestrial special forces are uprooting packets of darkness, their joint efforts stopped cold. The Illuminati attempts to start a third world war, to unleash more viruses, arrests and execution of top Illuminati and principles in the covid-19 atrocity are continuing in several countries. Ill-gained fortunes are being gained, fortunes are being removed from Illuminati grasp and the near bottomless money laundering well used to pay protesters and mercenaries, bribe influencers and fund black ops is running dry. The progress for the Light is indeed worth rejoicing but until that secret society has been completely vanquished, minions of the many desperate groups under its synergistic umbrella will keep causing fear, chaos and destruction.

Our sources tell us the few individuals remaining uppermost in the ranks are discussing a holographic alien invasion and having WHO simply lie about a virus rapidly spreading and mandating lockdowns and vaccinations. We’ll see what may come of those potentialities but what is rapidly spreading is Love in Action, family and friends whose relationships have been severed are forgiving and reuniting, appreciation of Earth’s beauty and bountiful provisions for her life forms is expanding. Respectful treatment of animals is increasing, residents are upgrading community conditions and grassroots movements worldwide are gaining influence.

Individuals are thinking more deeply, soul searching, seeking understanding and enlightenment, these heart warming situations and many others are aspects of Love energy, be fearless. Dear ones, feel optimistic about Earth’s future. Connect with the earth, hug a tree and be genuinely grateful for something every day.

It’s hard to tell who is an AI clone but sometimes mannerisms, speech and reactions are suspicious and there are differences. By confidently reporting what the pretenders are doing mainstream media have conditioned viewers not to even wonder if they’ve been seeing the same persons all along, people who know about the imposters are willfully silent or bribed, threatened or assassinated by deep state operatives who the influence of the deceased to continue.

The white hats aren’t a core of angels with divinely issued undercover assignments, these members of national and international special military and police units, intelligence agents, researchers, journalists and reporters are among the many volunteers who don’t know they are thus don’t identify as such. They don’t know they’re fighting a battle between the light and the darkness that began in antiquity and now is ending. What they do know is a powerful sinister group of individuals has been creating armed conflicts, manipulating the economy and causing chaos around the world.

There is a growing support group of awakened and awakening souls representing every trade craft and profession from farming to teaching, truck driving, science, construction and music. Millions upon millions are generating the light that’s undergirding the white hats efforts. Earth’s people who came to awaken and motivate, to transform life in their world are on the move dear ones, well done.

Climate change is an excellent example of not everything is as it seems. God wouldn’t let Earth’s Golden Age be on a ravaged planet. Climate change has been kicked back and forth by governments, multinational corporations and scientists yet what’s actually going on has never been made public. The Illuminati planned far in advance of starting a war, pandemic or any other situation that can result in population reduction and social and financial upheaval for the past several decades. They’ve been setting the stage for the catastrophic effects of global warming, the term they changed to climate change, a major part of the century-long preparation for their ambitious world control plan and technologically producing record setting high and low temperatures, violent storms and other weather anomalies.

These devastating geophysical events of weather warfare have been generating the low vibrations of fear due to climate change while filling in the gaps in their plans to a detailed agenda based on survival policies, regulating food production by forcing out small farmers, local produce markets and small grocery stores, outlawing multiple crop seeds and insecticides and fertilizers with natural ingredients. Superstores in 15 minute cities would sell AI designed meat made in laboratories, nutritionally worthless and produced from their industrial farms would result in serious health issues funneling the population into the vaccination and prescription drug regimen of the only available medical system tying individuals to medical purchases and computer records to their digital bank accounts with the ability to deny or grant what they want or need, perhaps health care, travel or legal assistance.

The population controllers exist in a low vibration which they produce by causing fear and suffering, they are puppets of the dark forces and are devoid of light except the spark that is their light force known as the Illuminati or deep state, one world order, new world government, luciferins, satanists, the cabal or elitists, they regard all other people as their toys or suppliers of services and are all expendable.

The necessity of executing the evildoers needs to be understood and accepted so technologically caused weather and natural disasters can end and Gaia’s sickly damaged planetary body can start healing. Deforestation, toxic pollutants in air, soil and water and the extraction of fossil fuels have severely affected the health of Earth and her life forms, those conditions can and shall be remedied. Although the breakup of Artic ice and the melting of glaciers will not have the dire effects some scientists predict, land and marine animals who don’t want to move or cannot adapt to changes in those areas will instinctively know to stop breeding.

The introduction of free energy and the replacing of many millions of trees are primary aspects of Earth’s restoration to her condition when the entire planet was a Garden of Eden. In the beginning Earth was once an enormous continent with gently rolling hills and valleys and the rest was a vastness of shallow pristine waters. Long ages of advanced civilizations devolving preceded the first lengthy period of continuous cataclysms that formed the volcanoes and a series of jagged mountain ranges on land stretching along sea floors at great new depths.

Visualize Earth as pristine and vibrantly beautiful bathed in sunshine, the energy of your thoughts and images not only help in Earths rejuvenation, it will seal your vibrational signature in the cells of the planet from which your body’s cells are derived. The concept of the planets interior which is various kinds of rock, ores and crystals, petroleum, water, magma and natural gas is far from complete. In addition to those natural elements are thousands of miles of tunnel systems built during the past century, but deeper within the earth are ancient tunnels that contain technology beyond your imagining and highly evolved civilizations living in modest communities and magnificent cities. Those members of the universal family will introduce themselves when life on the surface is peaceful and the spectacular tunnels with astounding technology also will become known.

Beloved family you are living in one of the most momentous eras since Creator Source selected a God to cocreate and rule over all celestial bodies and life forms in this universe. Those who were chosen to awaken Gaia as humankind and help them discover what a phenomenal homeland they have is a sterling tribute to the extraordinary Souls you are. Feel privileged and honored and grateful.

All light beings in this universe are supporting you with the unparalleled power of unconditional love.

Love and peace…channeled…Matt Ward via Suzanne Ward