New World Order

Gnosticism, by definition according to, is the name given to a loosely organized religious and philosophical movement that flourished in the first and second centuries CE. The exact origin of this school of thought cannot be traced but go’s back as far as second and first centuries BCE, such as the early treatises of the Corpus Hermeticum, the Jewish Apocalyptic writings, and especially Platonic philosophy and the Hebrew Scriptures themselves.

In todays day and age, and my personal belief, a Gnostic is one who’s constantly searching for the truth with the grace of an all-knowing and all-loving God, and uses spirituality and love as their weapons against negativity. The more I research the more I lean towards this philosophy and couldn’t agree more with the fundamentals of Novus Spiritus, accepting all, regardless of their beliefs, race, ethnic background, gender and so forth. I’ve been saying for as long as I can remember that I don’t care what color you are, your creed, what your beliefs are or who you prefer to lay down with, if you’re cool then I’m cool. Period.

I believe in God’s Love and Light and Christ Consciousness, I believe in meditating and praying for the sick and/or those who simply need it, and I believe in healing by laying of the hands. I believe that Jesus Christ is an Ascended Master who is/was the healer of the ages, not to mention teacher. I believe in the Akashic Records and reincarnation. I believe that God is inside me, and God is inside you. The more I learn about Gnostic Christianity, and I’m gonna get heat for this but that’s okay, the more I identify as one.

With all that said, we are now, today, in the middle of the battle between Light and dark. A battle between high consciousness and low consciousness, a battle between love and fear. And of course the ultimate battle for control. Unfortunately newbies on this planet with be easily swallowed by the darkness by no fault of their own as they lack the maturity of the old souls of the Akash but there’s a lot more of us then there is of them. We just need them all to start to wake up, and they will, they are. I know I did.

SON OF AAAAA, for whatever reason they won’t let me copy this video/documentary. Again, upon further investigation, I think most can see it, just not me lol and that’s just technology for ya. Soooo, if you cannot see it and you wanna check this video out on YouTube, it’s worth the watch, it’s called The American New World Order. It explains the back story, if you will, on where the order is coming from and how long it’s been set in motion, longer than we’ve been alive so when I say we’re experiencing history in the making, that’s pretty much an understatement…

Namaste… “the God in me greets the God in you”

Love and Light