Newport Beach

I spent a better part of last week dog sitting for my girlfriend Megan and I don’t know who needed who more because Buddy was just as therapeutic for me as I’m sure I was for him. And no that’s not my hair that’s actually the curtains believe me when I saw it I had to do a triple take myself, I thought damn Gina is that my hair LOL?

I was like Grandma cause I let him get away with everything that you’re not supposed to like running in the house, staying up late and eating in between meals. I also got to experience Newport Beach which its been a long while and is a totally different vibe from Huntington and these were some of my thoughts as I was sitting here on the rocks connecting with Mother Nature, Universe and God.

With every break up no matter how big or small it hurts. But with no pain there is no growth. Growth also requires a lesson to be learned. No matter how many break up’s with however many people there’s a different lesson with every single one. Unless you’re not learning the lessons of course then those heartaches keep returning, they keep cycling back around one way or another until you finally get it. I’ve been called “repita” for more than one reason and on more than one occasion, believe me.

With the loss of a loved one, it hurts, it hurts hard and some hurt deeper than others. But we all come here with a blueprint, death isn’t random and also comes with a lesson to be learned. But when you fully grasp and believe in things you cannot see you come to truly understand that it’s not the end, it’s simply a transition to something so much more. While those are my opinions the fact of the matter is that Love never dies and it’s actually the only thing you take with you when your soul moves forward.

I mean think about it, think about the things that you can’t actually see but you believe…electricity, wind, a broken heart, a melody, your thoughts…all of ’em. You can’t physically or tangibly see ’em but you know they’re there. You feel ’em. Well the same goes for God, your soul, Spirit, Divine…they’re all there, they’re all real. Seeing is not believing, believing is truly seeing and I know because I speak from experience. Especially a broken heart and on every level cause my heart has been broken quite a bit but if it wasn’t for the last broken heart from the loss of my beautiful mamacita and the lesson that it brought me I wouldn’t be experiencing the miraculous things that I’m experiencing and I’m just beginning. Don’t get me wrong I’ve always believed in God, I kind of waivered there for about a decade Idk, it doesn’t matter how long or how long ago because not only do I believe in God but I now have a relationship with Him and for that I’m grateful.

A big reason why we’re here is to learn life lessons for our soul evolution. One of the last conversations I had with my mom before she passed she told me that I was wise beyond my years and you want to know why? Because I’m an old soul, I’ve been here God only knows how many times (Akoshic Records know too) but it’s been enough. Enough times that when volunteers were called upon to carnate onto this planet again and at this precise time when Mother Earth needed old, brave-ass souls to come to assist, I rose my hand. With no hesitation, I didn’t think twice. I’m not here for me and I’m not here for you…I’m here for humanity. And to make my mother and God proud of course. No matter how challenging my life has been or will be it’s all for purpose and I know they’ve got my back. In fact the only people who really do have my back with no judgment and only unconditional love are the ones you can’t see lol. They all do and there’s nowhere else I would rather be. This is my journey, my path, and not because I have to but because I said I would.


Love and Light