Next Level Soul & Billy Carson

Next Level Soul is an outstanding podcast hosted by Alex Ferrari, he has so many fascinating topics and is answering questions most people are afraid to ask or too close-minded to even address. Love the podcast, love Alex and this episode has so many confirmations to questions I’ve recently been asking. I’ve been spending time studying the Anunnaki, Lemuria, Sumaria, Pleiadians, the Bible and Jesus and more.

Billy Carson is wicked smart and I could listen to him (almost) all day long, he’s so educated on these topics and then some that it goes over my head but that’s what studying ancient civilizations, and everything else, is all about so I’m learning. And now I’m doing my due diligence so to speak in helping get this information out to the world the only way I know how. Thank you Alex and thank you Billy Carson for all your knowledge.

Love and Light