
Besides being one of my top 10 favorite 90’s band it’s a word I can’t seem to escape these days, I’m seeing it everywhere. I even saw it on a 3 year old yesterday. I’m seeing it enough for me to take notice that’s for sure and the only reason I can come up with is perhaps it’s the answer to the question I’ve asked and that’s simply why am I here? I overheard someone say recently maybe you’re not asking the right questions which prompted me to cut to the chase and ask why I’m here. It’s just like when I asked what I am and then start seeing angel symbols everywhere, which now that the days go by I feel runs a little deeper than just an agent of change. I’ve been told more than once I have a deep connection to the angelic realm which makes sense when I think about how I’ve been drawn to everything angels from the get go.


Maybe in a way part of the reason I’m here is to help bring nirvana to humanity. I know I’m here for a number of reasons and they all have to do with bringing peace and harmony to humanity, I just don’t know exactly how and exactly what yet. I’m not suppose to try and figure it out though which is hard because it’s something I think about often. I need to let go and just let the cards fall where they may. I need to keep fine tuning my intuition and always be ready for the next steps.

Perhaps this also explains why I’m seeing the angel number 666 all the time. According to Joanne Sacred Scribes 666 is the number 6 amplified and is a message to trust the universe and my angels with supporting and assisting me in achieving my desires in regards to my home, family, social and personal life. Its’ reminding me to keep my thoughts and feelings focused on achieving my goals as I will attain my desires with the help of the angels. When 6’s appear repeatedly my angels want me to be aware of my thoughts, to balance them, along with my worries or concerns in regards to material and financial concerns. They want me to focus on having faith in the spiritual and remind me that having positive vibrations will bring about positive results.

This all makes complete sense considering I feel like I’ve recently taken a blow to the gut so to speak when I realized I couldn’t take my healing courses this time around and now have to wait. But it also got me to thinking about a couple other words that can’t seem to escape my attention either, and that’s discipline and meditation. I still have (inner) work to do and has to be a part of the reason why I’m not moving forward, in my opinion anyway. I could be overthinking it of course but there’s always room for improvement.

It’s no surprise to anyone that knows me that I’m not a fan of the word discipline. I’ve always been somewhat of a rebel who marches to the beat of her own drum. Granted that’s gotten me into a lot of trouble throughout the decades but it’s whatever and I now have enough discipline to keep me out of that kind of trouble. Today I’m talking about the kind of discipline required for things such as meditation. It’s also no surprise I’m not a fan of that word either. I don’t particularly care for meditating, in fact I don’t like it at all really lol. I’m suppose to be doing things I enjoy, right? At the end of the day meditation is pretty imperative when it comes living a happy, healthy (balanced) spiritual life, and I know this.

I also know I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be and everything that’s meant for me with unfold in a timely fashion. Divine timing just isn’t always my timing and I have to surrender to that. Whether it be because I have more to do on myself or whether I’m waiting for someone who’s being prepared for me, there’s a reason for everything and I have to be patient. I guess I just need to be reminded every now and again. Let’s be real, a little reassurance goes a long way in my world so signs and synchronicities never get old and the little screeches of excitement I get are what keep me going. For example all the signs I got in a ten minute time frame on my drive to roller skating the other morning.

I have to have faith in God and trust the universe knowing my angels are guiding me every step of the way. Easier said than done sometimes because I do long for my divine counterpart and while I have everything I need and I’m super grateful and always thankful, there are things in my physical world that I would like to change which is why I was disappointed with the healing classes being delayed. If that’s even meant for me, I don’t even know lol but in order to make the changes I want to make I need a different source of income and I thought that was my ticket but for reasons I don’t know yet, I have to be patient and wait. So now I’m just going to focus on the things I think I need to focus on and do what I feel I have to do to continue bettering myself.

I will continue to ask questions because when it comes to communicating with Spirit, all you have to do is ask. Well, you need to believe first of course and then simply ask. We all have angels and guides and galactic families that are here to assist us as the common goal for every soul is growth and development. It does go waaay deeper than that but we’ll just keep it simple for the sake of keeping it simple right now. I just got a huge ringing in my right ear right this second, wow that was a big one. Not sure exactly what those are, there’s theories but until I know for sure I just take mental notes. And it’s not tinnitus, although I probably have that too because I do like my music loud and on headphones, but this is different. Very different. Some would say they’re downloads and I would like to agree but I just don’t know what kind yet.

Speaking of signs though, I did receive some other encouraging words from Spirit yesterday that coincide with exactly what’s happening that I would like to share…

BELIEVE…be open to all possibilities and opportunities. Let go of preconceived ideas. There’s nothing to fear, know you are constantly surrounded by love. Start to believe in yourself and trust your instincts. Wonderous possibilities and opportunities abound provided you’re flexible and retain an open heart and mind…all is possible!

Believing in myself is more inner work I need to be doing, on some level I think we all do, I just have somewhat of an obligation to share mine. I do believe in myself but I have to also remember that I was raised by a covert narcissist so you know there’s some deep seeded subconscious wounds. Shit you don’t even know is there until it’s pointed out and then things just make sense. And I personally don’t think I can effectively be a healer if I haven’t fully healed myself and don’t get me wrong either, I hold no animosity towards my dad, he did the best he could with what he had and I’ve mentioned before that my upbringing wasn’t all that bad. It was strict and controlled but we never went without, when it comes to material possessions anyway. He wasn’t always emotionally available but thankfully I had an amazing mother who counterbalanced that so it’s all good.

Let’s not forget the fact that I’m a firm believer that we choose our parents and just because I wasn’t raised by my biological father doesn’t mean my dad wasn’t a soulmate chosen to help me learn my lessons in the long run, and believe you me, he taught me some serious lessons so for that I do have to say thank you. Maybe I just have daddy issues lol. I’m joking of course but at least at this juncture in my journey I can find some humor in it. Soulmates are more than romantic encounters and we have countless soulmates, it’s different for everybody but each one is here to also assist in our soul growth. Not quite where I thought this post would go but I just go with the flow and maybe it’s my way of saying to my dad that all is well, all is forgiven and I send him nothing but love, healing and wellness. Oftentimes the gift of forgiveness is more for the forgiver than the forgiven.

Love and Light