Nuremberg Code

Remember that from WWII

Let’s not lose sight of the Nuremberg Code that was put in place 74 years ago to protect humanity from the monstrosities we’re experiencing today. And this comes directly out of the mouth of a molecular biologist who knows her shit. It’s illegal to force anyone to put anything foreign in their bodies, they can’t even mandate it, but somehow they’re getting away with that too. But not for long, people are finally waking up to the truth and for that I’m grateful, a little late but better late than never, right?

I‘m optimistic by nature and while I know it’s gonna get worse before it gets better I have faith it will get better. God knows exactly what’s going on and that’s why there’s so many people like myself who are here to be a beacon of light to pave the way through the darkness and spread hope and encouragement. I have the tenacity and perseverance to never give up and will die trying to help better this world and get it back where it needs to be. My apologies in advance because for whatever reason this link didn’t want to cooperate so old school it is with a good ole fashion highlight, control C, control V.

Love and Light.

— Melissa Parker
— Your Friendly Neighborhood Fearless Leader

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