Our Beautiful Birthday Weekend

With just two days in between, our birthdays were always special and this year was no different. I know she’s with me every step of the way and now sees the world through my eyes. I miss her dearly but she’s constantly showing me she’s with me through signs and synchronicities and sure loves to leave me pennies and dimes.

My weekend started off with a trip to the park, and yes I went down that slide like ten times cause I’m a big kid, connecting with that inner child helps keep one youthful yes it does.

Took myself to dinner at my new favorite restaurant on Main Street (no ka oi, this entree’s only twelve bucks and is phenomenal) after a long walk on the beach. Couldn’t help but to see this in the restroom along the way.

Saturday we (by we I mean my brigade of course) went to the Cherry Blossom Festival and enjoyed some music, the drums were awesome and I treated myself to some butterfly clips.

That evening I joined some friends in San Clemente for a birthday party (not mine, Thomas turned thirty). I really don’t like saying I told you so lol but I did mention my Bob Marley angel song keeps popping up in the most random places and karaoke night at the party was no exception. So awesome, and for that I say thank you. You know what song also keeps making an appearance…don’t stop believing by Journey, haha no pun intended on the band. Spirit loves to give signs through music that’s for sure. One of my most favorite people, I call her mom as she lovingly “adopted” me about a year ago. She’s definitely my kind of people with a sense of humor that never quits.


The view was breathtakingly beautiful as usual from the rooftop lounge as I call it. Always a good time with Stacey’s family. Truly grateful to be a part of any and all of their special occasions. Its nice to have a sense of family after pretty much losing all mine.

To end the already fantastic weekend I spent the night at Meg and J’s so we could head to the Grand Prix the following morning. One of my favorite things about Megan’s house (besides her dog Buddy) is her angel cards. I always get excited to see what messages Spirit has for me, or rather what they need me to be focusing on in the present moment, so I wasted no time in pulling some cards and these were what I got…

I love the Grand Prix, super sexy sounds and I could people watch for days. Thanks to my landlord Charlie I was able to VIP it up and enjoy the races and some good times with some more of my favorite people. I call us threes company which was funnier when Megan had blonde hair but still funny nonetheless.

You wanna know what I was thinking as I was sitting there relishing in my thankfulness right before she said smile and took the pic? I was thinking how incredibly similar the sounds of the cars from a distance sounded like a ginornmous swarm of bees, it sounded awesome to me as the vibe and frequency was next level.




I couldn’t have asked for a better weekend filled with great company, joy and laughter, it’s exactly what I needed after a very stressful week. Saw this sign on the way out of the convention center. My interpretation…






Love and Light