Our Reality

Not for the Faint of Heart

It’s sad it’s scary it’s our reality
Can’t fathom all of this brutality

We will surely witness genocide
Boosters plus 5G will collide

Innocent people dropping like flies
New World Order everyone dies

Heart bleeds with eyes of tears
Controlling us through lies and fears

God have mercy on our souls
As Satan’s helpers assist and patrols

I’ve said it from the very start
It’s history not for the faint of heart

Keep the faith stand tall with hope
Spread more love as we try to cope

Compassion and kindness so help us God
Not much longer can they keep the façade

I’d be lying if I wasn’t scared
Impossible to be completely prepared

My courage keeps me spreading the word
Informing the truth to the American herd

Fighting for freedom before it’s too late
A beacon of light through all the hate

Persevering cause it’s all I’ve got
Then bravely die once I’ve fought

An embodiment of my personal truth
Eye for an eye and tooth for tooth

— Melissa Parker
— Your Friendly Neighborhood Fearless Leader

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