Our Soul & Higher Self

The system of creative source goes beyond anything that’s been studied on this planet. It’s not religious, it’s not even spiritual. It just is. It’s the way things work, it’s our natural laws, it’s the system of what we humans call God. God is a word that means so many things to so many people including those who claim to have a punishing God or a God who judges. That’s not creative source and that’s definitely not my God. It’s a human invention of authority.

The  system of creative source is benevolent and beautiful and it gives us tools everyday to get beyond that with which we were taught so we have the opportunity to think outside the box and have a better idea of what’s really going on in our world today. What’s really going on is a shift in energy. Energy working a certain way can shift what we call reality and you can see evidence of this just by looking around. These are unprecedented times because the energies are shifting like never before. Energy can shift what we call reality, the reality that we think we’re in control of.

Darkness = absence of light

Light = high consciousness

Dark = low consciousness

Consciousness = energy

God = super conscious

We’ve reached the time when there’s no more energy fence sitting, it’s either the high road or the low road. Discernment is starting to increase in humanity and that means we are starting to understand things more clearly. Not about who’s telling the truth but rather about energy. There’s an evolutionary process of perception, of thinking and of spirituality, you have to crawl before you walk, and our soul is far more than anything we think we know.

The word soul is used by mainstream humanity no matter what their belief system, and even by some who don’t even have one. We all collectively know what a soul is. A soul is described as a spiritual essence of a human being. In some belief systems the soul is here one time on the planet and never again. In other belief systems it incarnates over and over. The soul represents that piece of the human body which resounds to God, the unmistakable connection to a higher source.

In mainstream belief it’s a three dimensional perception, a singular entity that belongs to the human who’s face we see in the mirror. Some believe when we die it goes with us, it just goes somewhere else. Others believe it comes back which is nice and simple but both are incorrect.

In New Age and/or esoteric belief the soul is called the Higher Self however it is used interchangeably. The Higher Self now has a personality, it is a piece of God that has our face on it on the other side of the veil. The Higher Self contains the template of how we exist and who we are. Some of us channel our Higher Selves on a regular basis.

The Higher Self has no gender however our corporeal body does, the three dimensional body that contains our soul when we incarnate. The creative source system honors gender because it knows it feels good to be one or the other for a long period of time. Then having the opportunity to switch to another gender in another lifetime also feels good. It has been said that when one comes into a lifetime as some would say confused about their gender or feeling stuck in the wrong gender, it is simply an imprint carried over from the most recent past life. All of these attributes come from a benevolent system that loves us beyond measure not to mention unconditionally.

When we come to this planet we disengage and that’s the free will we specialize in as humans. To think that we separate from ourselves should make every single one of us weep, not knowing who we are. To have to walk around in a strange place, on a strange planet having to reconnect. Yet we do it anyway, time and time again. We incarnate and are voluntarily born with amnesia of the truth of it all, so easily and so freely and for so long. This is exactly why Spirit is so enamored with us.

Every human being has locked deep in their DNA the innate desire to search for God, to search for their Higher Self, to search for the true meaning of life. The sole purpose for humanity as a species is to expand our consciousness and grow as human beings. We do that through experience, through hardship and through love. It is up to us to unlock these desires in search of truth. Truth cannot be sequestered, it can’t be hidden forever. All you have to do is connect and ask for help. You don’t even have to understand it, you just have to believe it.

Love and Light