Overcoming Obstacles

I know exactly what’s happening. I’m in my final hours (and have been) for completion before I’m graduate status and onto the next phase and I’ve gotta tell ya, I’m over it lol. Chances are it’s gonna last another couple months and I know this because I know how Spirit works, for the most part. ‘On the horizon’ and ‘real soon’ for me is next three days to next week but for Spirit it’s more like next few months to next year. I’m still in the let’s see how she reacts phase because the scenarios keep coming at me. Just to be clear I’m not complaining I’m just saying. I’m telling you all this so that what I’m sharing can make sense as far as how I’m testing myself with reactions.

The part for the fridge came in but it too was broken so it had to go back and now we wait more for another part. I guess I hyperextended my big toe doing yoga this morning on the ‘left leg highs’, awesome. Something keeps turning my little fridge to a seven which likes to freeze everything in the back. I’m not kidding, I have no idea what’s doing it and it’s been at least a dozen times. It’s a manual knob and I’m not turning it. Who knew how good frozen watermelon was though. The cap on the ice chest I’m temporarily using in the main house popped off spilling water everywhere. My class with Billy Carson and Paul Wallis rescheduled for next month due to unforeseen circumstances after switching all my stuff around with work and the babies at church. Don’t even get me started on my last two crowns that don’t want to stay put.

These may seem like everyday mishaps but I’m telling ya it’s constant with other stuff I’m not even mentioning. And I’m telling ya some more, it’s all part of my training to make sure I’m cool as a cucumber. I know it and I get it but it can be annoying. Amongst all the little chaotic scenarios happening in my life there is also good stuff to counterbalance it.

Balance is a key to the universe.

Thank goodness for the good stuff, for real. I’m super happy to report I finally made it down to the beach to do some outdoor skating. I’ve been wanting to for at least six months now but just hadn’t mustered the juevos to actually do it. My friend Mike from the skate center mentioned he needed a skate buddy for the beach so I jumped on the opportunity.  After practicing in a parking lot near his house a block from the beach we finally made it out to the boardwalk. I felt like I was gearing up to play hockey with all the pads I put on but I wasn’t messing around the first time out.


I was so excited, I was like a duck taking to water and we ended up skating roughly eight miles this past Thursday. It was quite liberating. I’d been getting signs for about a month to get out there but I’ll be honest, I was afraid of falling. I shared a story way back when when I was gifted my bike and I took it down to the boardwalk for the first time. I mentioned how there’s this hill (that’s not so big after all) and when I finally made it to the top there was a lady who said, “YOU DID IT!” and to me that was Spirit letting me know they see me. Well this time I was going down the hill and I was nervous cause I was going fast (with no way to stop really) and as soon as I got to the bottom there was a guy who yelled out you did it! It blew my mind. You know it was Spirit, my mom again cheering me on, or my higher self, or better yet all of the above. It was a major breakthrough and I can’t wait to get back out there.

You wanna know how you conquer your fears? You face ’em head on and plow right through ’em and show ’em who’s boss. There’s nothing better than a natural high and achieving a personal goal. I’m overcoming all these obstacles to the best of my abilities. I don’t pass them all with flying colors but it gives me the chance to fine tune any attitude adjustments which allows for my expansion. This experience also gave me the chance to build more confidence which ultimately is also a process leading to expansion. I don’t care who you are it’s something we all need to work on and all the time. I’m expanding in so many ways and on so many levels just proving to myself I’m ready for more and as always I just have to be patient.

Of course I want it to be tomorrow but I’m doing my best to stay grounded and in the present moments. I saw an ant in my roller skate bag on Friday at the skate rink and my apologies because I squashed it without thinking about it. It was a sugar ant I’m sure and he was far from home but anyway it gave me the opportunity to go back to the basics and look up the spiritual meaning of an ant and this is what I found. Can’t help but feel and know that all apply. Don’t ever discount your feelings, make no mistake, that’s your intuition talking.

I will just continue to focus on what’s in front of me, look forward to my road trip and wait for what’s next. That’s all I can do and that’s okay. Spirit’s got me, my trains are coming and my faith is impressive to say the least.

It’s 1:11

Love and Light