Now I know we’re all guilty of overthinking from time to time but I definitely take the gold in overthinking this past week. It’s funny because I’ve been seeing 222 everywhere, I think I’ve seen it at least 10 times these past two days alone, no joke. 222 can mean many things to many people depending on where you’re at on your journey but for me personally, my angels have been reassuring me to keep the faith because all is well and everything’s unfolding exactly as it should be.
Well my timing is now, for the first step anyway. I received a text this afternoon from the instructor of the intro class and wouldn’t you know it, they added some classes last minute that don’t fall on the weekend. My first class is tomorrow and I couldn’t be more excited. Speaking of excitement, imagine the screech of just that when I noticed the time was 1:44 when it came through. I almost peed my pants, not really but that’s how happy I was because signs and synchronicities doesn’t get any better than that.
I attended this meditation as I do every Wednesday now but what a treat it was tonight with a special full moon meditation with Master Co. Before the meditation he actually broke it down, it felt like he was speaking directly to me, like he knows it’s not my favorite lol. I have to learn to quiet the chaos which I already knew of course and isn’t a whole lot but enough, but he broke it down and made it simple as to why and for that I say thank you. I’ll get there, I also know it’s a big part of connecting with Spirit and there’s nothing I want more than to be a clear conduit for spiritual healing, channeling healing energies is a big part of why I’m here. Thank you for diminishing those pesky little doubts that I allowed to creep in because I was overthinking.
I had a little revelation this morning too when I was roller skating. Not only was I nudged to start skating again to build my confidence, but it was also to show me how with time and practice I would get better at it. I mean that looks good on paper and sounds great and all but it wasn’t until recent that I’ve really noticed how much better I’ve gotten at it. I think it’s been something like six months that I’ve been going twice a week and I have noticed a difference. Same will go with meditation and I see that clearly now.
I’ve asked Spirit more than once, just the other night on the pier I asked, what do they expect from me when it comes to patience when I was created half fire. I see this clear as day now too and that’s so I can learn to be patient. It’s really difficult for me and that’s because I’ve always been an instant gratification person. Patience has been and will continue to be one my biggest life lessons for soul growth and evolution. Perhaps that’s the breakthrough I’ve been expecting. Fantastic, eureka, I get it!
I took the bus again tonight, truth be told I take the bus whenever I can, I only drive if I absolutely have to, for a number of reasons. Had I driven tonight I would’ve missed the 13 pennies on my way to the bus stop, I almost had to stop traffic to take a picture and pick ’em up. They brought me so much joy and put a nice little spring in my step. Thanks momma. Thank you for seeing me, thank you for hearing me, thank you for guiding me and thank you for loving me.

I love Abraham Hicks. This just popped up in my feed. Her words are so appropriate for right here and right now. Just in case…
Love and Light