Welcome to Fearless Aries

Join me on my journey after my spiritual awakening focusing on my growth through experiences, transcending from triumphs and tribulations.

New Earth Channeling

Mainstream media’s distorted reports on Israel’s assaults and Iran’s tit for tat warmongering, billions more in cash and weaponry for Israel and Ukraine, and burgeoning anti-Semitism could be considered theatre of the absurd. If those situations were not hurting so many people and ending tens of thousands of lives eventually the truth will strip away […]

Ever Evolving

Every day is a day of evolution for me, I guess technically the same goes for everyone I’m just aware that that’s what’s happening. My level of awareness is more than most and that’s because I know I’m here to assist with change and in order to do that I have to be the change […]

Free Will

Saturday Night Live is littered with in your face truth. I can’t watch anything the same anymore though, even movies, I usually have my journal ready to go looking for the innuendos just beneath the surface. I wanted to watch something funny last night before going to bed and had recently seen an SNL skit […]