
I was having a conversation with a customer a couple weeks ago and he asked me what I was passionate about. My immediate response was, “well, I’m an Aries so I’m passionate about just about everything”. I’m not a huge fan of on the spot deep questions so that was the first thing out of my mouth but it’s one of those questions, much like why are you so happy, that has popped back into my mind enough times since to have me writing about it. With that said, here are a few things I am passionate about.

  • TRUTH: I am very passionate about learning the truth…about everything. I want to know what I am, where I originated from and where everybody comes from. I know I’m here now having a human experience but where did it all start? Where did it start start? I’ll tell you what, I’ve asked that question a lot, I’ve asked out loud countless times where I’m from and why am I here and so far I’ve gotten angelic, Pleiadian, hybrid, half breed, starseed, 144, earth angel, lightworker, and recently they’ve been showing me the movie Jupiter Ascending. Everywhere I look I see that movie when I’m on YouTube. I’m must be D. All of the above but honestly, you’re guess is as good as mine at this point because if you ask me I think they’re lovingly holding out on me right this second and that’s okay because I can wait.
  • FREEDOM: I’m passionate about freedom for everyone and on every level because I for one spent too many years under the control of others starting with parental control. Of course we all need parental control in our early years but there’s a fine line between parenting and controlling and I grew up with both. Not my mom though, she was held back by the same control. Reminds me of the dream about my mom and dad I just woke up from, I couldn’t go back to sleep so here I am at 6am. It was good to see my mom but not like that. As an adult we’re now trying to be controlled by the same patriarchal, hierarchal, narcissistic abuse and I’ve gotta tell ya…I’m over it. Freedom is our birthright and it’s long overdo to take our power back individually and collectively.
  • EQUALITY: I’m passionate about treating people equally and living in a society where nobody acts as if they’re better than anyone. Reminds me of the time at work when I overheard a mother talking to her daughter, you could tell they lived a privileged life and that’s okay. She told her daughter college was important so you don’t end up behind a cash register. While she’s not wrong and I don’t think it was directed towards me but I definitely heard it and I all I could think (with a smile on my face) was, lady if you only knew why I was really here. It’d be nice to live in a society where there’s no organized religion and no judgements of others. I don’t think religion will ever completely go away but we can at least live in a world where we respect other cultures because we recognize we all have the same Creative Source, the same God, who created us all.


I don’t think I have to reiterate that I’m passionate about loving kindness but in case you didn’t get the memo I am. I understand though, we are in a place where we’ve been disconnected and conditioned and have so many distractions not to mention we’re living in the land of illusion where it’s hard to decipher what’s real and what ‘s not. Then you add the internet and AI to the mix making it even harder. It feels like time is speeding up making it easier to be in a hurry and feel anxious and be frustrated. Inflation is up higher than ever making it hard for some to even get by. We are all experiencing some kind of discomfort right now and this is why it’s so important more than ever to at the very least be kind to one another.

I’m still figuring everything out, putting the puzzle pieces together every chance I get. I’m doing my best with the help of Spirit to figure out our origins because inquiring minds wanna know. They only give me little bits at a time, you have to crawl before you can walk I guess so they also only give me what they think I can handle. We are on the precipice of big change and is one of the reasons for my me being here and my blog is one way to document my journey and I’m sure the evolution of my belief systems will be pretty cool at the end of the day.

At this point I think I can handle more than most. Billy Carson thinks Jesus was Arcturian, I say he’s Pleiadian, either way he’d be extraterrestrial. I’ve heard we’ve been seeded by the Anunnaki and I’ve heard we’ve been seeded by the Pleiadians, again either way my mind is open enough to consider both. Christians believe Jesus was God in human form walking the earth and that I 100% believe but not for the same reasons. Jesus was God in human form, but then again so am I and so are you. Make no mistake that in the light of our souls there is love, truth and revelations. There’s also an alliance. The soul is not separate, it’s part of a soul group and that soul group is called God. We are all part of this beautiful system of God.

The first step is eliminating the separation, it’s what’s got us stuck where we are today. That and the hierarchy, patriarchy along with the ‘rich and poor’. Once we eliminate all this nonsense with its competition mentality, and you can make book we’re on our way, once we rid of the darkness we can then start to reprogram our brains so to speak with the realization of a peaceful coalition of oneness. We can start to rebuild with a new and improved mindset of cooperation and collaboration where we live by listening to our hearts rather than our brains because we’ll all know that we’re all connected, we are all sparks from the same Creative Source who loves us dearly. Love is the answer, always has been and always will be.

Side note…I’m also passionate about the friends I have left, especially from high school. They surprised me at work last weekend and I spent the next wonderful day with these lovely ladies. I am forever grateful for their unconditional love as they accept me for who and what I am and respect what I stand for. They don’t judge me or any part of my journey and I love them with all my heart for it. Thanks ladies. And Mike too lol, unintentional photo bomb.

Love and Light