The hardest part about where I’m at right this second with my journey is trying not think about it. I have to train my mind to focus on other things when my logic wants so badly to figure it all out. I’ve said it before though and that’s that every time I think I have it figured out, I don’t. The only thing I’m 100% sure of these days is that I’m gonna get up in the morning and go skating and that’s about it, and even that can change in the blink of an eye.
I’ve spent the last five years doing my best to gather all the pieces to the puzzle, trying to get the keys to universe, trying to figure it all out. The time has come where I have to let go of the student inside me and now lean on the God inside me. I’m being reminded to trust that everything will work itself out so be patient and have faith that my next steps will present themselves in divine timing.
Understanding the mechanics of esotericism isn’t always easy, in fact sometimes it’s not even meant to be understood completely. We’ve been trained to always want to know the who, the when, the why and the where, it’s just what we’ve been programmed to do. But I’m being invited to ask myself now, is it really necessary?
Our bodies are our cars, our mode of transportation. They’re intelligently designed, well-oiled machines that do so much work without us even thinking about it. Essentially our bodies operate completely on their own when you think about the systems set in place like digestion, respiration, everything really. Our bodies are our automobiles that get us from A to B and just like we never ask how the mechanics of the engine work, why would our journey be any different?
The new age awakening process of the human being that is of spiritual nature and filled with purpose has auto mechanics that work within each individual waking up, it’s a system designed to work by itself. When the door is opened and the light starts to shine in there’s no need to analyze the waveform of it, it just is. Therefore there then becomes no need for the when, why, where and how.
I have to be honest, that all sounds lovely but it doesn’t change the fact that rents due next week and I have no idea how I’m gonna do it. It makes me nervous yes it does but I’m being asked to trust and it has to be one of the hardest things to do. I’m literally retraining my mind to not think about how it’s gonna happen and just have faith that it will which pretty much goes against everything we’ve ever learned or been taught.
But I guess that’s also the point because when you stop to think about all that we have been taught I can’t help but notice that a lot of it has either been falsified, fudged or hidden. I have to also remember that I’m not the average citizen walking the planet right now and as an old soul I am being made an example of so my only option these days is to trust but it’s a wee bit hard to get used to and I’m working on it.
Old souls are beginning to awaken to bigger purposes and bigger ideas and are being taught that things come along when they should, it’s what divine timing is all about. We’re being made to realize that the more calm we are about everything, the better everything will work itself out. The second we start analyzing things is the second we experience delays because we create resistance, not to mention the answers aren’t even available in a linear fashion.
My job right now is to live my life moment to moment, doing my best to stay positive in the present because that’s where the miracles happen. I’m focusing on the things I’m passionate about and today that includes writing, being healthy and spending quality time with Spirit. I’ve heard it explained when you spend too much time planning for the future (that you can’t even predict), that’s exactly what happens, your plans stay in the future.
When you act on your passions with no insistence or assumptions on what the outcome should be (detaching from outcomes) and activate your passions, those then become the driving engine, the force that moves you through life. It contains the organizing principles of synchronicity that show you exactly what you need to do and when you need to do it, being in the right place at the right time.
Synchronicity is a sure sign, or signs, that you’re on the right path and little pats on the back that you’re doing something right. I know I’m a big fan of synchronicity and just this morning it put a huge smile on my face. On my walk back home from the beach I found a penny and when I cornered the exit of the outdoor mall I was greeted by a car with a 444 in the license plate. It’s the little things that keep me going.
When you stay in the present, following your intuitive prompts and seeing the signs of synchronicity, your path becomes effortless. It’s when you’re in this flow, the path of least resistance, you move through your journey and life in an effortless way. It becomes the path where you’re able to more easily connect with the things that keep moving you forward which are things of joy, excitement, passion and love.

Love and Light