The process of awakening to the path of ascension is essentially the road of transformation which I just happen to be in the heart of right this second, it’s a path of change. Everything changes from your appearance to your surroundings, your relationships and friendships to your belief systems and personal truths. While there’s no time frame as it’s different for everybody, it is the most crucial aspect to understanding not only how the universe works but also in remembering who you are.
I pulled some cards, I felt drawn to pull from my Time Travelers deck by Denise Linn and these are the ones Spirit wanted me to see. I cannot reiterate enough how amazingly accurate the messages are, always speaking either about me or to me. I love it so much, thank you for always blowing my mind.
Joan of Arc glows with power and strength, we can feel our own strength being activated simply by her presence. It’s said that her inspiring presence paved the way for Frances liberation. She was the epitome of strength by listening to inner inspiration. It comes when you’re willing to stand your ground and speak your truth, even when others disagree with you.
Like the Maasai Warriors of Kenya, there is one rhythm. One movement. One breath. As they jump higher and higher, this movement welcomes them into the next steps of their lives. The vitality of the Creator is waiting to flow through you. Embrace every aspect of your life.
Step beyond fear and hesitation and find the place within you that is divine and powerful beyond measure. Bring light to the darkness. Bring love and support to those less fortunate. If there’s anything of which you’re unsure, know that by standing in your power, you will succeed.
The Middle Eastern poet Rumi of Persia believes that music, poetry and dance can be a path to touching the Divine. He used to recite prayers but now teaches the Creator through poetry and song instead. He talks about the paths of spiritual ascent in which the seeker symbolically and powerfully transforms away from the ego and turns toward truth and love.
Transformation is a dramatic and complete change in either appearance or perceptions. It occurs when you have the faith to step out of the confines of your ordinary reality. When you alter the normal way you view yourself, you will expand into a greater awareness of your place in the universe. Have patience that an amazing plan is unfolding and know that enlightenment is ahead. Trust and have faith.
When you step outside the box and take religion out of the word divinity, it means having the ability to overcome perceived limitations allowing yourself to be more than what you perceived.
According to Gregg Braden each person has a personal code of divinity that makes space for this allowance. Divinity is the timeless and ancient path of us that makes us human, it’s the source of our imagination, creativity, innovation and in my opinion and most important…it’s the source of our love.
If you ask me most of life is all about overcoming obstacles. Having the faith, the strength and desire to transform. It’s about finding the courage and self-confidence to know you can overcome anything you put your mind to. That was something my mother would always say to me when I would come to her with my concerns or worries.
I can hear her now in my head with the most loving voice, “Melissa…you can do anything you put your mind to.” She used to say my name in such a way that nobody else can duplicate. She also used to say I was my own worst enemy and haha how right she was. Not anymore though, I’m learning to truly love myself and embracing being my own best friend.

Love and Light