Patience Pays Off

I do know patience pays off and with every victorious situation my confidence with it builds even more so. Three weeks later I have my bike returned to me different but the same. Yay. I didn’t realize just how much I missed my bike, well that’s not completely true, I realized how much I missed it about two weeks into not having it and riding my “loner” bike to work. I walked the first week and was gifted another bike but it just wasn’t the same, I missed my bike.

This too was beautifully synchronistic after thinking about it. It never seizes to amaze me when I connect some of the dots after the fact. It always blows my mind when I get confirmation my life truly is destined in many ways and my bike falling apart so it could fall back together is just another example of just that. A few months ago I rode my bike to the skating rink for S & G’s (shits and giggles), to see how long it would take and if it was even a good idea. Which is wasn’t by the way because I used up so much energy getting there, it was about a 45 minute ride, I couldn’t even finish the second hour of skating. With that said it was even harder riding all the way back home.

After the skate session I mentioned that I rode my bike to my buddy Andy and after checking it out on our way out he mentioned he builds wheels for a living. He also mentioned if I ever needed any he had me covered. Well unbeknownst to me at the time I just said thank you because who ever needs “wheels”, right? Fast forward a few months and my bike being completely weathered from parking it at the pier for roughly a year now to the point of needing new wheels. Coincidence? Hardly. Long story short I mentioned to him I needed new wheels and boom a week later he delivered me brand new wheels free of charge. Amazing. And thank you.

Not only did my patience pay off because I waited three weeks but it was just confirmation how the universe is always working in my favor. If I just let everything flow naturally, everything will ultimately fall into place exactly how it’s meant to. Of course I wanted a new bike shortly after learning mine needed new wheels, this was before I put two and two together with Andy and then set aside a little of my pride to actually ask for help. I went bike shopping too but something told me to just wait and I’m glad I listened because not only did I get my bike back new and improved but I was also able to buy a new pair of skates. Some new outdoor skates. Speaking of confidence, I’m finally at the point where I can take my skating outside, looking forward to skating down at beach but gotta break ’em in first which is more patience required of course.

Rode my bike to the gym yesterday which felt wonderful because that’s been out of my routine for far too long and I was pleasantly surprised when I came out to head home. Rewind a wee bit, on my way out I ended up holding the door for like four people which isn’t really out of the norm, I hold doors all the time, it’s just something I’ve become accustomed to doing now. First I held it for a lady, and then waited because there was an older gentlemen with a cane coming and then I held it even longer for two other people, in my mind I was already there so why not. The man with the cane was my main focus but anyway the last guy to enter told me how nice I was. There’s a point to all this I promise.

As I was walking towards my bike I said out loud that I was just making my momma proud and in that moment I reached my bike, went to unlock it and noticed the two pennies. Imagine my excitement, I know for a fact they weren’t there when I arrived, I would’ve seen ’em! Two pennies, one from my mom and one from my brother, both of whom are no longer here in the physical plane of course and both of whom left this place in order to help me on my incredible journey. It’s 7:11 as I type this sentence which is an angel number that has recently really started showing itself more and more.

It’s the early hours of the morning as Spirit woke me up to write this post I’m sure, or again I believe it to me my Higher Self that has me up to doing some blogging. Checked my phone to see what time it was and wouldn’t you know it, an angel number said good morning at 5:55. Thanks, considering I didn’t get to bed until late last night as I went to see the next episodes of The Chosen. Found a penny on my way out of the theater there too. And then this popped up on my phone as I was getting into my car, I swear I can’t make this stuff up.

The best part about the episodes last night was the confirmation of the caves in France. While they didn’t mention what country they were in there was no mistaking the fact that they were reading from some of the teachings of Jesus that Mary had written, and they were in a cave. I read two books about what actually happened to Jesus after he was crucified and they both mentioned they fled to France and Mary went into hiding living in a cave so she could privately continuing the teachings of Jesus. The books written by Sylvia Browne said Jesus went too and was why they had to go into hiding of course but what really happened nobody knows. Did he ascend back to the stars instead of fleeing to France? Did he ascend back to the Pleiades? Does it really matter? What matters was and is the message he was trying to portray and that’s in the simplest of terms forgiveness through unconditional love. Period. Let’s not forget the angel number on my way home too.

Just another day in the life of me, filled with angel numbers and synchronicities. I love it and wouldn’t trade it for anything, super grateful and always thankful. I don’t know how happy I’ll be tonight when I’m tired at work but that’s okay, I’ll make up for it later. I’m a big fan of naps these days. Fatigue…another ascension symptom, but it’s also from lack of sleep.

Love and Light