Patient Endurance

Before I even cracked the book the phrase popped into my mind ‘when the student is ready the teacher will appear’. In fact, every time I now think about it in it’s infancy, in relation to my new study, that phrase keeps repeating in my head. I spent an hour yesterday on the three page preface alone as it was a lot to take in, not to mention defining what was new to me.

I don’t even know how long I’ve had this book, it has to be well over a year, maybe two. I purchased it for $1.50 from the Beliefs section at the used book sale at Central library. It’s been patiently waiting for me to get to the point where I was ready to move forward. It’s also a reminder to keep the faith as there’s still so much for me to learn.

The prerequisite of a priesthood is a divine Avenger with man as a sinner and hence dependent on priests for salvation.

This God-concept of the priestly mind is the cornerstone of the Bible, and if it be false, everything based upon it is also false.

I mean, dang. Talk about some bold statements. I have a feeling I’m about to take unpacking the Bible to a whole nother level and I can only imagine what I’m about to dive into. I have to remind myself I’m not here to play by the rules per se, I’m here to deliver truth. As a cosmic ambassador it’s almost my civic duty to bring justice where truth has been errored.

The priestly account of Creation is but kindergarten cosmology, yet we have accepted it for two thousand years. Causation and Creation – the Mythopoeic Age.

We call its enlightened ones Initiates and their Knowledge, The Ancient Wisdom. Priests took the place of the Initiates and religion of metaphysics.

In a way it’s almost as if I’m cheating on my church and I have to admit I’m not sure how I feel about it. I love my church for so many reasons but as time goes by I feel as though I no longer belong. This is something I’m gonna have to overcome and recognize that perhaps this is somehow and in some way an opportunity. For what exactly I don’t even know.

I just got home from Sunday service as a matter of fact and even though my belief system has changed, it feels like my evolution is just beginning. I feel like I can’t not go to church and those are for reasons I’m also unsure of. Besides the obvious though, which is because there always seems to be a message for me and today was no different.

The service was all about standing tall with the minority despite the circumstances. Turning obstacles into opportunities with patient endurance. I wasn’t necessarily listening to my pastor today, I may as well have been sitting alone in the congregation listening to my invisibles reminding me to be patient, be strong and stay steadfast.

This is exactly why I have my chambers of transformation with very little outside contact. First my car and now my humble abode. So I can sit and study and write in peace and quiet. I have friends and acquaintances but I don’t hang out with people on a regular basis and I certainly don’t discuss what I’m researching along the way. I don’t need any outside influences or nay-sayers who aren’t awake or even aware of what this world is really about.

The only thing or things guiding me are my helpers, my intuition and my higher self, my team of invisibles. I get why I’m a lone wolf but that doesn’t mean I have to always like it. Patiently waiting for the arrival of like-minded people is why patient endurance spoke volumes to me. There’s no mistaking I’m chomping at the bit waiting for my people along with my promised endings and new beginnings.

I can’t help but feel like my horizon is the Poltergeist hallway, every time I feel like I’m close it gets further away which is why faith and patience are so important. I have to remind myself I’ve come so far in such a short amount of time. Five years may seem like a long period of time, and it is, but it isn’t in the grand scheme of things. I can only imagine where I’ll be five years from now.

I better be on stage somewhere bringing truth to the masses. Or maybe that’s ten years. I don’t know how long it’s gonna take but what I do know is that when the time is right I will be undeniable. I know my faithfulness and resilience will bring my fulfillments, my 9 of cups, my wish fulfillments.

We need a new cosmology, a new philosophy, and above all else a new dimension of consciousness – cosmic consciousness to wisely handle cosmic energy.

It’s time this scriptural tyranny was broken so that we may devote our time to man instead of God, to civilizing ourselves instead of saving our souls that were never lost.

My mind is slightly blown at the fact that this book (Deceptions and Myths of the Bible by Lloyd Graham) was first published in 1975 and then again in 2012. Let’s not forget that 2012 is when the shift officially began and we are now in 2025 at the end of the Kali-yuga, ending a period of materialism and spiritual blindness where we’ve been in the dark when it comes to things like Causation and Creation.

I think it’s about time we all start to open our eyeballs of awareness.

there were hearts in the fence yay

Love and Light