Pay Attention American Citizens

I’m trying really hard to stay on the timeline of expansion and positivity with the goal of awakening and enlightening myself along with others but when videos such as this one crosses my path I can’t help but feel compelled to share. I didn’t go looking for it, it came to me. I’m a big fan of Jordan Peterson, even though some of his verbiage goes right over my head. At his core I feel as though he has our, and by our I mean humanity, he has our best interest in mind. Watching stuff like this gets my blood boiling yes it does and it really bothers me when there’s nothing I can do about it personally.

If you ask me he is a big piece to the Great Awakening puzzle and there’s no doubt in my mind he incarnated on this planet at this time to help us get through whatever it is we’re going through, will go through and have been through, to get us where we need to go.  And that is simply forward. He’s brilliant and I for one have nothing but the utmost respect and gratitude for all he does. I too am very passionate about the well-being of humanity along with our rights whether those be constitutional or God given birth rights. I did notice we have the same  bump on our foreheads, just an observation.

It’s hard for me right now because I’m at a point in my journey where I want to do whatever it is I can to help us move forward as well and I don’t have a clue what that is right this second. I’m struggling, I really am, doing my best to stay positive and optimistic. I know I’m somewhat in between right now but I would be lying if I said wasn’t scared so to speak. My faith isn’t be tested but it is and it’s got me restless. My ego is doing everything in it’s power to hang on and I’m fighting it like crazy. I’m scared this is it when I know damn well this isn’t my final destination. Yesterday I was fine and today I’m not, it’s a friggin’ rollercoaster and I’m praying for some peace of mind right about now.

Can’t say I’m comfortable sharing this but it’s why my blog is here, right? I don’t even know lol. I do know I want to be on the front line somewhere doing something to stop big pharma and big tech and the banks and the corporations but that’s not my purpose. That’s why we have the white hats and people like Jordan Peterson, there’s so many pieces and layers to this puzzle is unreal. There are those working for the light infiltrated everywhere just like there’s people trying to keep us enslaved in the systems. And I think not knowing what piece I am exactly and where I fit has my mind playing tricks on me. I have a hard time sitting still, literally and figuratively so I’m doing my best to hang in there and wait for what’s next. Because of this restless and agitated state I’m in right this second, I pulled one card from my Angel Guide deck and this is what popped out…


Take time to gather your thoughts and energy, because there’s a good chance you’re experiencing a build up of frustration and annoyance at this time. You are a passionate, loving and joyful being, but at the same time you don’t want to be taken for granted or underestimated. The warrior within you wants to rise up and fight, or at least prove your skills, talents and worth, but drawing this card indicates that right now you’re not going to be respected or heard in the way that you deserve. Angel wisdom is guiding you to retreat, reflect and compose yourself before proceeding further. So take time to ask your angels and guides to help you compose your thoughts and your energy. Know that the Divine hand of God is upon this situation and everyone involved.

This card encourages you to step into the energy of equanimity. Equanimity is a Zen-like state in which you refrain from reacting to a situation out of fear and separation. Right now angels of pure divine light are helping you feel guarded and guided and encouraging you to recognize that you have an incredible force of love within you.


The accuracy blows my mind almost every single time. It’s simply magical.

Love and Light