Perseverance Is My Superpower

We’ll all be saved, we all return back to Source, for the record. I have many superpowers but perseverance is one of the front runners. I have this innate ability to keep going no matter what obstacles or disappointments may be put in front of me, clearly that’s by design. This is even before my official journey started four years ago. Even through over a decade of addiction when sometimes all I wanted to do was quit, and I’m not talking about alcohol if you’re picking up what I’m putting down. There were moments I wanted out and didn’t have the slightest notion I was on a journey that hadn’t even really started yet. Instead I’d dust myself off and keep going. I keep going even when things seem outlandish, when I’m really representing that .01% of the population who are in the know, or whatever the percentage may be.

No matter the circumstances, I just keep going. I have to. I didn’t know it then but it all makes sense now. The irony is I couldn’t have died if I tried, and well I did try. All I got was a broken leg. It’s all good though, the past is the past and I’m all the stronger because of it and for that I say thank you. I woke up bright eyed and pushy tailed at 6am, didn’t even fall asleep till 1am but this often happens when I turn on the light to journal my dreams and then can’t go back to sleep. My phone lit up while I was laying there and this was the message calling to me.

The eclipse didn’t bring about the rest of my magical superpowers, not yet anyway. The hardest part for me is I want that instant portal, or flash of lightning right then and there when in reality this process as a whole takes time, hence all my patience signs. Shoot I even tattooed the angel symbol for patience on my other wrist. I also want my prince charming to show up on the beach yesterday and say his intuition made him do it, I was hoping he’d ride in on the eclipse when in reality I have to be content with knowing he’s on his way and I’ll just be patient and continue to focus on me instead. I am still fine tuning things and I’m still learning who I really am, and that’s okay.

As I was laying here thinking about it all my little bird showed up. After picking my book Conversations with God back up (yesterday) I thought to myself how cool it would be if my metaphor proved to be correct. How badass would it be if it really was God trying to get in and then after reading it again, the bird would go away. Nope, he rode the short bus in this morning, which really had me thinking again because is there even a reflection at 6:20 in the morning, the sun’s barely up, if at all. Perhaps I need to do more research on the spiritual meaning of a bird trying to get in your house.

Speaking of Conversations with God, I mentioned I stopped reading it because I read something that contradicted my belief system…until I turned the page! I was like, really? I was all bratty-pants about it and all I had to do was turn the page? That’s kind of funny. What’s even funnier is that’s a nice little metaphor in itself. Needless to say I will have it finished by the end of the month, that’s my goal anyway. I spent a good couple hours with Spirit last night, journaling, praying and what not, even pulled some cards and while I won’t share all of ’em with you, I will share the ones that stood out the most.


17 Hope

This is a card that focuses on the qualities of hope, faith, healing, aspirations, success and enlightenment. When this card appears know that a special wish you’ve made may be fulfilled in time. The Hope card will help show you that the impossible can indeed become the possible. The force that works through your soul – determining what’s possible and the difference between success over failure, and above all, who we are – is the power of your belief.

This card serves as a reminder to use your natural ability of intuition, the language of the soul, as you reach for your goals and desires. The future can be yours when you have hope and trust in everything you do. Soon others will be attracted and drawn to your inner light. Learn to share your experiences and lessons (on it lol), for those around you will also realize that by having faith and pushing forward where one may have felt no hope at all is the key to success.


Learning Experience

You have dedicated a lot of your time, effort and energy to understanding yourself and the world and have had many experiences recently that have been great teachers. Even though not everything has been easy or perfect, there has been a positive in that you have come to understand yourself, your gifts and your abilities better than ever. You are deeply connected to who you are, what you stand for and what’s important to you in life. When this card appears, angels are acknowledging the challenges and obstacles you have surmounted recently. Although it may have been difficult your faith and inner strength have increased. Know there’s a silver lining and soon you will no longer feel stuck or unsupported.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, my mind is always blown at how accurate this divination tool is and someday the rest of the world will hold space for experiencing it as well. Spirit never seizes to amaze with it’s wonder and accuracy. I can say with confidence that this eclipse, at the very least, has brought me some peace of mind and a feeling of contentment. All is well. I take comfort in knowing the light at the end of the tunnel is actually me and I can’t wait to shine and share the rest of it with the world. So much gratitude. It’s 2:22pm as I go to publish this.

Hee hee Love and Light