I think the best or most important part of this video, for me anyway, is when he says that the Romans rewrote history. It’s so frustrating because it’s so true and I’ve read it too many times in too many places, on top of these videos, for it not to be. I believe it wholeheartedly. I also have the gift of discernment and a deep knowing of things I myself cannot explain.
This is a big part of my journey though, finding truths and unlocking the secrets of the universe, and the bible is a massive key, the parts that weren’t rewritten anyway. Like I’ve said before there are parts of the bible that absolutely are the word of God, and then there’s parts that are not. They were rewritten, or “edited” by those who were literate back then and those were few and far between. That’s my opinion anyway and I’m sure I’m gonna piss off some people by finding a new, and improved, version of my perspective but that’s okay, can’t be everyone’s favorite girl.
Speaking of sun signs though, and this helps explain a lot for me personally and why my journey is where it’s at in my life. My sun sign is in Aries of course but I also have a stellium in Aries in my 9th house. Now I’m no astrologer but I do thoroughly enjoy learning about it and can’t absorb enough information or quench my thirst for its knowledge. The same goes for educating myself with religion and philosophy and according to my birth chart, this thirst for knowledge wasn’t suppose to hit me until my later years in life so technically I’m right on schedule. I love it, thank you.
A stellium, or cosmic cluster, are pretty rare and is when three or more planets are concentrated in a zodiac sign strengthening the energy in that sign and in the house they fall in. I think it’s safe to assume mine is in Aries lol and the stellium also lands in my 9th house. A stellium definitely suggests the energy will be concentrated in whatever area of your life it lands in, it’s where most of your action will take place. As you can see I have the Sun, Mercury and Jupiter in my 9th house, with an added bonus of Chiron. Chiron’s not a planet and still baffles astronomers to whether it’s a comet or asteroid. In Greek mythology Chiron was a superlative centaur and in astrology Chiron is the wounded healer.
I’ve got a lot going on in my 10th house too but the 9th house governs spirituality, higher learning, philosophy, religion, law, long-distance travel and faith to name a few. The 9th house rules all forms of writing including literature, journalism and publishing, we learn about the rest of the world by how we communicate with it and how it communicates with us. It also shapes ideologies, perspectives and belief systems. The 9th house is best described as philosophically inclined in the search for meaning and truth and is ruled by Sagittarius and the planet Jupiter.
Depending on the planets involved the stellium fuses together parts of your mind, body and spirit to work in sync through your 9th house. Wow that’s crazy I recently posted about the year 2023 and how it was all about the number three for me; body, mind and spirit. Aries natives in the 9th house have an urge to explore, uncover mysteries and soak in knowledge. They’re innovators with curious minds, but most importantly they aren’t afraid to go on a quest of discovery and explore what everyone else doesn’t dare to tackle, it’s what makes them visionaries and charismatic leaders. Sounds about right lol.
Funny how it mentions long-distance travel too, I’m boarding a plane first thing in the morning heading to Portland. I do love to travel no matter what the form of transportation is. Yes please. I’ve been working a lot lately ever since my schedule changed which had me rethinking my priorities lately and I’ve certainly been feeling the itch to go somewhere. The opportunity presented itself and it’s as if all my stars aligned because everything just magically fell into place so off I go. Nothing like an adventure and I’m all for it.
I passed my med test and received a raise, which is fantastic and all and I’m certainly proud of myself, however with that also came a schedule change. No longer am I training and working three shifts and putting in forty hours, I’m now there five days a week with less hours during the day. It feels as though my journey has taken a backseat to my job when in reality, my reality anyway, it needs to be the other way around. I’m not driven by money and money alone anymore, sure it’s nice to have extra money but I have nothing but the utmost faith that I will be provided for and I will never go without again. Now I’m driven by a desire to be happy while helping others which gives me peace of mind and my peace of mind is worth its weight in gold, there is nothing that comes before that now.
It’s been quite the journey thus far and I know I’ve said it time and time again but I’m just beginning and I’ll never stop learning as I am a lifelong learner. Learning is something I take pride and joy in these days (hard lessons maybe not so much lol) but learning in general is something that I find quite satisfying. Taking that knowledge and using it to help others is something I find even more rewarding. I can’t pour from an empty cup therefore I have to set boundaries and make changes and adjust things that are going to fit my lifestyle and my journey in order to strengthen my growth spiritually, personally and professionally. So I made some adjustments to my schedule and did what I had to do to make sure there’s balance in my life.
I’m a firm believer that laughter is the best medicine, I’ve been watching this guy’s YouTube channel, KLR Productions, for at least a year. He’s great, thanks for the laughs.
Love and Light