Pleiadian Star Mothers


Message from a Pleiadian Star Mother…


The concepts of God are far beyond any language.

The love of God is beyond anything you could ever imagine. The love of God contains the compassion of the universe and all the creatures that are within it are known. The love of God is dripping with truth and transparency. The love of God knows who you are.

The love of God is the most spectacular energy imaginable, it flows through every cell of your body, it greets every cell and loves every cell. The love of God knows every blade of grass and every bit of life on this planet. There is nothing like the love of God.

Take anything you love with all your heart and soul and multiply it by 10 million and that is the the love that pours through you from the Creative Source of All That Is. The I Am stands before you and knows your name. Once you cognize the true love of God you will realize it is inside you and it loves you beyond measure. Once you see it and understand it, once you start to live it every single question you’ve ever asked will come forward.

It’s the love of God that comes first and then all things are added unto it. All the wisdom comes when you understand your magnificence, when you see how magnificent you are in the eyes of the One, the Creative Source.


Love and Light