Pleiadian Starseed

While there are countless starseeds because there’s countless galaxies and universes with countless planets and star systems I am going to touch on the one that resonates mostly with our universe and with me and that’s the Pleiades. Starseeds are souls, beings and spirits that choose to inhabit planet Earth from far away parts of the universe. There are many starseed races on Earth and all are here with a specific purpose, usually to pass on lessons they’ve learned when establishing their worlds and to help transition through periods of change.

Planet Earth has reached a pivotal stage of transition and to navigate this period successfully humans must reconnect with their true nature blending their external worlds with the inner world of spirituality. There are currently hundreds of millions of starseeds on Earth from distant constellations and galaxies around the universe and many have their soul origin in the Pleiades. During this end evolution cycle that leads into the current ascension timeline, many different variations of soul-spirit consciousness from a vast array of planets, galaxies and universes have joined the reincarnation cycle on 3D planet Earth. Some are biologically organic future humans while others are not. They all have specific roles of a humanitarian spiritual mission based on the Law of One to help free the planetary souls from spiritual and energetic oppression.

A Pleiadian starseed is a soul whose origin is from the Pleiadian star system right next to Orion’s belt. Just like other starseed races Pleiadian starseeds are old, highly evolved souls who have come to Earth to help transition humanity from 3D to 5D, aka New Earth. Pleiadians are multidimensional beings existing in dimensions 3D to 9D. They’re from the Pleaides star system from the constellation Taurus. Pleiades is said to be a soul healing station for the purpose of studying, relaxation and healing. Their mission is to assist humanity with the process of transformation.

Pleiadian starseeds main chakra is the heart chakra making them great parents and caretakers who love to love. Most Pleiadian starseeds have angel-like energy and are oftentimes referred to by strangers as an angel. They also possess positive child-like energies and these souls incarnated to help humanity in these times of awakening. The only problem is that some if not most are still asleep for a variety of reasons that I won’t go in to here as I’m just starting to learn about it so it’s a conversation for another day. Many are in the process of waking up, i.e. me, in order to assist others to help them remember who they are and remind them of their powers, divinity and gifts. Pleiadians are soul healers and most are here on some kind of healing mission. They have strong heart chakras and radiate unconditional love making them powerful healers.

I was still living in Colorado when I got my first taste of possibly being other worldly. I say possibly now because at the time this was all very new to me and while I’ve always had an open mind I was somewhat skeptical. I was on a zoom with a group I had discovered on Meet Up called Awkwardly Zen, mind you this was sometime after lockdowns. There was a guest speaker and I don’t recall what he was as far as a psychic medium or what, and I certainly don’t recall his name but anyway he was talking about people being from other planets and whatnot. Naturally I was intrigued and at the end there was a Q&A so of course I rose my hand because I was like what’ve I got to lose, right? I asked where I was from and without hesitation he said Pleiades.

This was also when Googling was still a thing for me because I had no idea how much they censored and only allowed you to see what they want you to see to I didn’t get much information at that point. I think like two things popped up on Pleiades but that’s okay because that was enough to get my curiosity flowing and it wasn’t that much longer later that I discovered Duck Duck Go. That was a game changer. That search engine opened up a whole new world so to speak and I haven’t left it since. Google nothing. That was probably my first real spiritual breadcrumb that got the ball rolling on my endless search for truth.

Last year, now roughly three years into my journey, I’m working at the group home and I straight up asked Spirit if I was Pleiadian. Simply said out loud in a conversation like I usually have and asked for confirmation in the form of “pink elephant”. It was around Christmas time and I remember laughing because there was talk around the house about a white elephant gift and I remember laughing and saying out loud, no I said pink elephant. I don’t know, a couple days later I was reading to one of the girls at bed time and I was reading a Sylvia Browne book. I don’t remember which one it was exactly because I have many but sure as shit, clear as day, she was talking about the pink elephant in the room. I almost dropped the book. It was a pretty cool moment to say the least.

Since then there’s no doubt in my mind I’m somehow affiliated with the Pleiadians. I don’t know exactly because I’m still waking up, still putting the pieces to the puzzle together but I’ll be honest, sometimes it doesn’t make sense and that’s because I only get breadcrumbs and not the whole loaf. They only give me information I’m ready for. I read it compared to a child and what they eat, you wouldn’t feed a steak to a toddler. So I’m patient and most importantly, I keep the faith. I asked Spirit not too long ago what exactly I am and that’s actually the time I started seeing all my angel synchronicities. So yeah.

I came across this cool video last night and just fell in love with octopi. Just a reminder how we all are truly connected. I even read recently about plants being sentient, I was like whaaat? Pretty cool stuff. As I continue to wake up, learn and grow everything is slowly starting to make sense and fall into place and for that I say thank you. My only problem is it takes too long lol but that’s the fire sign in me and I can say I have most certainly become more patient throughout the years. Speaking of fire signs, a little birthday shout out to all my Sagittarians out there as it is Sagittarius season. Yay.

This is exactly why I don’t eat the homies anymore. In fact, I don’t cheat on my diet anymore either, I’m strictly vegetarian. The goal is to be vegan but I’m just not there yet. According the the book ‘Sun Signs’ the goal should be fruitarian but I’m like um I don’t know. The positive is if you are a fruitarian your shit doesn’t stink, literally, but girls don’t poop so I don’t even know if that matters. All I know is as of right now I don’t eat the homies, or anything that had a heartbeat. No more fish either which does kind of bum me out but it is what it is and I do fully embrace our interconnectedness so it just is.

His shirt in the video…NASA…Not A Space Agency. Hahaha just sayin’. And the moon…not what you think either. In fact I just came across some interesting information about the moon. I posted about it however long ago and I wasn’t a hundred percent but I am now. The moon is an inorganic structure and didn’t come from the solar system. I don’t know if you’ve ever questioned why it doesn’t spin and we never see the dark side of the moon. It’s an artificial satellite aka space station that’s locked into earths orbit magnetically. It also has technology that keeps the magnetic spin rate that keeps connections open to the wormholes that’ve been created. Believe it.

Love and Light