Pleiadians & The Bible

I’ve been watching this ex pastor too ever since he magically popped up in my YouTube feed however long ago. I have to admit though, he’s a wee bit advanced for me right this second lol but I do my best to keep up. I don’t really need to know a lot of the things he discusses, at least on his deep level. I’m not here to learn and study religion the way he did, that’s his purpose not mine and every journey is different and unique to each individual.

Did someone say advanced technology? And make no mistake portals are real. Now I know why I was called to go see Suzume, a Japanese anime, which is all about a girl saving the world through doorways, kinda. LMAO, never in a million years would I think I’d go see a Japanese anime film…but I absolutely loved it! Who knows, maybe there’s some doorways, or portals in my future. Never say never cause you never know. AND…you don’t know what you don’t know.

Anyway, this video takes me back to my first prophetic message when I was told to do what was biblical. Back then I thought it was literally to do what was biblical and was later confused, so to speak, when I wasn’t embracing the Bible fully. I remember thinking why am I not feeling the need to read the Bible cover to cover or even feeling the need to read it at all really. It was confusing because I was super involved with the church at the time. There was even a bible study I was in which was all about Elija in 2 Kings. That study was teaching me more than just how he was taken up to heaven, they said in a chariot when really it was his Merkaba but that’s okay. Or was it?

Now it’s making sense. There’s no way I would’ve known it all then but Spirit keeps leaving me breadcrumbs, in a good way, and slowly I’m putting it all together and figuring everything out.

I know one thing for sure and that’s the fact that I love all things Pleiadian, maybe that’s because they’re here to show compassion in action which is right up my alley. The Pleiadians are a group of highly evolved souls from Pleiades, also known as The Seven Sisters, a group of more than 800 stars located about 444 light-years from Earth in the constellation Taurus. The entire Pleiades cluster is actually the eye of the bull in the Taurus constellation, which we were taught was the little dipper growing up and can be seen with the naked eye on a clear night in Huntington Beach.

Sometimes I take screenshots for no apparent reason lol or perhaps it makes more sense that I’m simply being guided. These screenshots I took for whatever reason but the cool part about ’em, and like so many other of my pictures and screenshots, they weren’t illuminated then like they are now (the dots anyway). Maybe it has something to do with a sign I saw the other day that said “the art of connecting the dots.” Spirit never seizes to amaze, and for that I say thank you.

Love and Light