Poem From Long Ago

I want to help but don’t understand,

He’ll just refuse my extended hand.

I see the hurt, I feel the pain,

I wanna help, it’s all mundane.

I love so deep with all I’ve got,

All the money, joy can’t be bought.

I’m at a loss on what to do,

He has to know I miss her too.

He’s lost his way but must believe,

An empty shell who needs to grieve.

He lashes out, he barks at me,

I take the hits and let it be.

Won’t open up or admit he’s sad,

I feel it too, she’s all we had.

How we long for an embrace,

A mothers love you can’t replace.

There comes a time to just get real,

Allow oneself to love and heal.

I felt a nudge to open up this book tonight. I found the poem written in the back of the book. I bought it I’m guessing sometime in 2021, so somewhere around a year and a half or two years ago, maybe longer. Regardless, the book is titled, “A LITTLE BIT OF ANGELS” and I don’t remember where I purchased it but it’s one of my first angel books. There’s a date in it indicating December 13th and I know my first night in my car was December 2nd so I’m guessing I wrote the poem before my brother and I had a falling out. I lived with him for three months mind you.

My brother was never the same after our moms passing. Stinks. I take comfort in knowing he’s now finally reunited with her. Actually, now that I think about it, there’s a big ass party happening on the Other Side lol with his uncles and cousin Nathan. And let’s not forget about Nana and Popo and Dana too. Big party. He’s finally surrounded by nothing but love, joy, happiness, forgiveness and some more love. Right on.

Love and Light