Psychic Fair

I had no idea how wonderful my day would end, giving me everything I need to get myself back in the game. I went to Tustin looking for outdoor skate rinks and after disappointments from both I decided to look up a metaphysical store near me because those always make me feel better. Nothing in Tustin but to my surprise there was one kind of in my neck of the woods in Huntington, I actually rode past it last week on a bike ride, who knew? I did have a wee bit of a hard time finding it and had to park and check my directions twice. I’m probably the only person who doesn’t use the google maps voice thing, I guess I’m old school, and my location’s turned off.

Delaying my arrival was by design as far as I’m concerned because when I was walking through the (small) store (I was the only other customer) I overheard the guy working there talking to a customer about the psychic fair happening this evening. The way I see it my timing was perfect because had I not heard that conversation right when I did, I probably wouldn’t even had known about the fair. I asked him to repeat the information and was like (to my invisibles) man, you know I want three readings for fifty bucks. After purchasing some fun pants and a Raise Your Vibration oracle deck I left only to come back four hours later. It’s exactly where Spirit wanted me to be.

My little bird friend didn’t blow my mind like I was hoping because he came back today, I think he might actually be retarded, excuse me, mentally challenged. I’ll probably get some flack from using that word but it shouldn’t offend anybody. It’s a word. And it best describes my feathered friend’s behavior. Maybe he just wants to hang out but every time I go out there he flies away. Only to come back. Perhaps there is a spiritual connotation that hasn’t presented itself yet, I’ll keep you posted.

The psychic fair took the gold for blowing my mind, ask and you shall receive. Fifty bucks for three readings from three different people. There were maybe seven or eight different options, there was even a pranic healer there and I was like hey (to myself) I can do that. I chose a handwriting analysist, a Chinese ear seeder and an astrologer. I chose the analysist because that’s a cool art and I was super curious. I opted for the seed reader because I had no idea what it was but I’ll tell you what, the Chinese know a lot of best kept secrets. And then last but not least I chose the astrologer because I love astrology.

The handwriting analyst was a nice guy, he was a pranic healer too. I was amazed with everything he told me, he nailed my personality. All the loops in my signature say I’m a little loopy, just kidding he didn’t say that, but I am a little loopy. He did say they indicate my optimism and skeptics can say what they want to say but he saw other stuff too. He knew I wasn’t a fan of meditating, from my cursive? What? He mentioned I was highly intuitive and my intuition will serve me very well in the future.

The upstroke in my t’s indicate I get straight to the point and don’t beat around the bush. True story. He said I’m the kind of person who’s good under pressure, especially in a crisis. I couldn’t help laughing when he said I was a little sarcastic. He was like that’s okay because to be sarcastic means you also have to have a sense of humor…and you do. We both laughed. We laughed again when he said I’m a little blunt, maybe more than a little. It’s like he knows me! I definitely say it like it is, sometimes to a fault, I’m working on it though, I’ve gotten much better at that.

I’m diplomatic. I’m a introverted extrovert, quick witted. I have a hard time prioritizing things because I want to do it all, and all at the same time. He did say I have good spidey senses and can sense energy when I walk into a room, a heightened awareness. He also said I have a good imagination and it’s something I should explore more of. I was blown away at how much he could tell about me from my handwriting. A very cool art and a lost one at that, he’s been doing it for twenty years.

Chinese ear seeding was simply amazing, also called auricular acupuncture. I’m a firm believer in acupuncture, never done it but believe in it. Actually in the very beginning of my journey I thought it would be super cool to learn the technique, until I researched it and was like nope. Maybe eight years of schooling, and that’s before you learn acupuncture.

We focused on my skin, I still have a little psoriasis on my elbows but it’s gradually getting better. She noticed my lungs in my ears, according to Chinese medicine the lungs are in charge of opening and closing the pores which makes it in charge of the energy that enters the body, aka Chi. I know what Chi’s all about. Anyway, I found all that to be really interesting. It blew my mind when my ears showed a shoulder issue. She could tell I have a bunk shoulder by the redness on my ear. The whole experience was amazing.

She massaged my ear and said it’s something I can do myself whenever I feel like it. Quick little massages, maybe twenty seconds on each spot. She put little pieces of tape and then massaged. I didn’t even know they were little black dots until I took a picture. They get to hang out till they fall off. Talk about cool stuff.

Last but not least astrology. Right off the bat she asked if we’ve met before because I looked very familiar. I said no because we haven’t, not in this lifetime anyway. She told me a lot of things, especially with the eclipse coming up but she then said something that made every penny I just spent worth while, it actually made it priceless. In so many words she said that I have a familiarity with Jesus, like I’ve walked with him before. My heart sank, in a good way, and I told her that’s not the first time I’ve heard that. My eyes swelled up and she got a little choked up as well as we talked about it.

According to my chart, especially Chiron (the wounded healer) in conjunction with everything else in the 9th and 10th House, I’m a Healer. I’m not here for physical healing per se but rather on a spiritual level. I’m here to help heal people’s souls. That’s incredible, what an honor and privilege. It made me think of something else I recently learned.

I remembered hearing about how we need to pay attention to what we’re thinking when we first wake up, when we’re in that in between state of consciousness. I woke up with something similar one morning and wrote it down in my dream journal.

I woke up one February morning and wrote this…

She didn’t say anything about me being a guardian or a keeper but that’s what intuitively popped up in my head when she did say soul healer. Needless to say, I received all the confirmation I didn’t need but so needed to get my head and my heart back on track, balanced and at peace. Truth be told the flood gates opened when I got in the car because I had this overwhelming feeling somewhat of a sadness.

I felt so bad for doubting my purpose and journey when I should have no doubts at all. I can’t help it though, I have so much enthusiasm for being of service, not just for God and Jesus (who are technically the same) but I’m so eager to be of service to others, to humanity, all I want to do is help heal humanity because there’s so many people hurting right now and I know it’s only going to get harder as the days go by. When I feel like it’s not happening fast enough, that’s when it all creeps in. Not no moe! Adios ego, no eres mi amigo.

Super grateful, always thankful and today was just another example of how my journey is destined, I’m right where I’m supposed to be and I truly just need to be patient and let it all unfold naturally. The eclipse is a big deal for me energetically, spiritually and I can only imagine what might possibly be next. I’m super excited (again). So much gratitude again for the unconditional love and reassurance I received tonight. Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you.

PSA…if someone asks you if Jesus is God, the answer is yes…and so are you! Talk about best kept secrets, if not THE best kept secret. Not really a secret though, they’ve been talking about it since the at least the 50’s, probably longer, I don’t even know. . In all fairness though, I didn’t know either until my awakening.

Love and Light