I saw a woman the other day wearing a t-shirt that said purpose over pleasure and I was like oh man, I know Spirit’s not talking to me. Oh yes they are lol. Anyone who knows me well enough knows I’ve lived with addictions, I’ve switched addictions and I’ve conquered addictions. Right now I’m dealing with the last of ’em and that’s sugar. What can I say, I like cake. I like chocolate. I really like peanut butter and chocolate. Sugar is in everything though especially if you shop the inside isles of the grocery store, which I don’t really. I’ll tell you what though, those green Lifesaver mints have me by the balls, they’re so good. And who doesn’t like fresh breath? I’ve gotta stop with the sugar though, I know this, it’s my last addiction to beat, and I will, but it’s hard.

Purpose over pleasure. That statement packs a punch, doesn’t it? It did with me and it put’s a lot more than sugar into perspective. Along with all or nothing, I’m learning that instant gratification isn’t always the best route either. You could probably categorize it under emotional eating too because I think I tend to do that too sometimes. That sounds dramatic, and I certainly don’t want to make light of it because it can be serious, but when you’re down to your last thing to lean on when you’re either frustrated, upset or in my case especially, when I’m bored, I pop those mints like the family pack is on sale from twelve bucks to two.
I’m well aware it’s getting down to crunch time with me and my journey as far what’s next and the seriousness of it all, taking into account where we’re at in the world today so I know I need to really buckle down. My body is a temple and I need to treat it as such. I’ve come a long way though from cigarettes, to alcohol and whatever other substances I thought were a good idea at the time so I do my best not to be too hard on myself. And I’m not. I do miss cigarettes though, not gonna lie.
Funny story about cigarettes real quick. I picked ’em back up when my brother was in the hospital which I’m sure was a free pass but no worries because I quit again shortly thereafter. However, not too long ago, I don’t know maybe a month or so, probably when I had my meltdown, I went and bought a pack. The first few were great and I wouldn’t say I felt guilty when I lit up but in the back of my mind I knew damn well I was breaking a Universal Law.
Law of Dissonance…aka the Law of Self-delusion. Basically when you know something’s bad for you but you do it anyway, smoking is a prime example. Not even half way through the pack though, I started noticing signs. It happened three times in a row and on the third I was over it. True story, I was by Dukes after work one night and the second I lit that smoke a car alarm went off right next to me. Scared the crap outta me more than anything so I laughed it off. The next time I was at a bus stop at night and as soon as I lit that cigarette a car across the street’s high beams turned on, it felt like it was staring right at me. I was like whoa, really? And the third time, I was even “hiding” behind the bus stop so no one would see me, and I swear to God I heard my name. Literally. Not in my head but literally. Okay I said I get it, I’m done and ditched the rest of the pack on my way home.
Call it the matrix, call it a simulation, call it what you will, we are being watched. We are all actors on stage here as we learn and grow. Most of us are being watched by benevolence who want us to succeed. The Universe wants us to succeed, our angles and guides and everything else that falls under that umbrella wants us to succeed so make no mistake, they see everything. I just got back from the dentist and I was in the chair no more than two minutes when my mommy song came on. They don’t miss a beat, and for that I say thank you.
What was even cooler was the two cabs back to back that drove past as I’m making a right to go home. 444-4444 and 999-9999. I let out the biggest screech of excitement and was like damn I wish I had a pic of that but it happened so fast. What I did get a pic of was at that same moment my eyes were immediately drawn to the clock and it was 3:33, another screech of excitement. Around the next corner was 222 and I didn’t get the license plate that said 144 but it was all pretty rad to say the least. It’s what really keeps me going at the end of the day. Magic I tell ya.
It’s so important I focus on the positive though which can be easier said than done especially when videos of Dr. John Campbell cross my path. I’m not gonna share those here anymore, if you wanna look ’em up you can (and should) but pointing out that kind of stuff isn’t where I want to focus my attention now. I definitely don’t have my head in the sand, never have, but it’s important I’m in the know. I can tell you this, I hope and pray that my purpose here has something to do with the plandemic because I sure am passionate about it. I’m passionate about how ethically and morally wrong it is, so much manipulation and how so many people’s lives have been negatively affected by it, and will continue to be as it’s far from over.
I’d like to think I’ve become maybe more diplomatic about it, I don’t even know the right word, not so in your face about it. When everything first went down I posted a lot of videos that I probably wouldn’t post today. Compassionate, perhaps that’s the word I’m searching for, I’m not sure but I truly hope my purpose on this planet isn’t just to help heal humanity but to also bring justice to a seriously fucked up situation. There is nothing I want more than to bring peace and harmony to a world of hurt whose birth right is to be happy and healthy. I’m on my way I promise you that.
Love and Light