

We had an earthquake last night at 1:55am-ish that rattled me a little bit, no pun intended. Forgot how much I don’t miss those! It was small but big enough to get my heart pumpin.

There’s an average of like 300 a day in Costa Rica. I guess last night was actually Mexico’s 5.7 magnitude quake that we got the tail end of. Apparently Japan had a 7.0 earthquake yesterday as well.

It’s official, I will be heading to Manuel Antonio tomorrow for a couple days to study and get out of the city. It’s gonna be uber hot and humid so this oughtta be interesting to see how long I can hang.

I am cheating a little and staying at a hostel that has AC but I don’t think I could do it otherwise, we’ll see. Anyone want to place any bets to see if I can stay more than two days? Ha, not me.

— Melissa Parker

— Your Friendly Neighborhood Fearless Leader

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