Quepos and Broken Bones

Quepos and Broken Bones


Gosh, it’s been a minute. Probably because I’m recovering from a few days down in poop-y-ville. Not literally, figuratively. What I originally thought was a mosquito bite turns out to actually be a common illness here in the Ric’s de la Costa.


Quibra Huesos which translates into “broken bones” and I’ll tell you what, appropriately so cause I’ll be damned if my teeth didn’t hurt at some point too. But, no harm no fowl, felling myself again. Back to school tomorrow and volunteer manana.


Enjoying my time here in Quepos. Sunsets are the norm around here and every night proves to be just as breathtaking as the last. These pics are from the Marina, the pretty, uppidy if you will, part of Quepos.

Sticks out like a sore thumb, really. Straight outta Laguna Hills while the rest is more Costa Rica style, eclectic and quaint where every street has a different story to tell.


f it wasn’t so damn humid it’d be pretty close to perfect, in my opinion. It’s certainly not the main attraction though, that’s Manuel Antonio of course, but personally, I like Quepos bet-ta. Perhaps that’s cause I grew up next to like four beaches, or however many. Yeah, four.


— Melissa Parker
— Your Friendly Neighborhood Fearless Leader

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