
I can’t help but to feel like I’m on the verge of a major breakthrough, stillness is usually a good indicator things are about to change, the quiet before the storm if you will. In fact there’s going to be quite a few storms rolling through however I’m speaking about my own personal (positive) storm. It’s been explained to me briefly that January is the blueprint for how the rest of the year will unfold, for me anyway and I take solace in knowing I’m being guided every step of the way.

As far as the collective is concerned those storms are definitely brewing too and we can anticipate change starting with Pluto moving out of Capricorn and into Aquarius on January 20th. I’m going on memory for this and if memory serves me correctly it’s been in the sign of Capricorn since 2008 and will now stay in Aquarius until 2043. It will retrograde back into Capricorn briefly at the end of the year, just in time for the election. Be prepared for some serious (false flag) shenanigans. Whether you believe in astrology and astronomy or not, doesn’t matter, it’s a big deal and the effects will be felt by all on a global level for the year to come. Let me reiterate, the transit on January 20th is a pretty big deal.

You can’t see or hear it of course but I’m at work and just let out the biggest little screech of excitement cause I found a penny and it’s 4:44pm, all at the same time. Speaking of work, I came in today to find this little calendar on the counter. I love it when Spirit leaves little love notes and words of encouragement.


This brings me back to angel number 911. I’m seeing it like it’s going out of style. That and 555 and 999. 911 has many meanings to me now but I was recently reminded of the original meaning. The OG 9:11 and that’s scripture for God knowing what’s planned for me. I was reminded when I was out shopping for a new dream journal and this one practically jumped off the shelf and into my arms.

It’s natural to think things are stagnant when it’s quiet when in reality there’s so many little things happening as Spirit and the universe are working tirelessly behind the scenes to make sure things unfold the way they’re suppose to. I still don’t have my computer back which to me is simply a sign to be still. I feel compelled to check in a little though and just because it’s quiet doesn’t mean the signs and synchronicities aren’t continously flowing, and what seems like even more so these recent days.

I know most will say it’s dust or the lens but I see orbs everywhere. Prob my mom hangin’ with all the Galindos

Speaking of Galindos, I had a dream the other night where all I remember now is the name Galindo. It was Galindo this and Galindo that, Galindo everything. My mom’s maiden name for those who don’t know. It’s kinda funny that I just posted that picture with that thought because I didn’t make the correlation until right this second. Not to mention I have a shrine of loose and stationary pics on a shelf above my bed of all my Galindos that have transitioned and I’ll be damned if every day for the past week or so one of those pictures doesn’t move in some which way shape or form. There’s no doubt in my mind that they’re definitely letting me know that they’re there as the veil is very thin for me right now.


Am I ready, haha I’m Aries Sun and Leo Rising, I was born ready. Truth be told though I had a little melt down the other day because of the fact that I am ready. I’m ready for more, I’m ready for a different scene, nothing says frustrated like a bored fire sign, and I’m double fire. I’m ready for my soul squad, I’m ready for my career, I’m ready to be out of isolation, I’m ready to spoon again lol. I feel like I’ve been ready for a hot minute but clearly I still have more to do, I’m still in preparation mode, I’m still fine tuning certain aspects of not only myself but my life in general. I don’t cry hard often but I had a good one the other day and yes I felt much better afterwards thank you very much. I almost called you Erin Jean lol. Crying is healthy and a good form of release when necessary. Change is coming though, hence 555 which at grass roots is change, challenge and transformation.

New Years Eve was awesome, spent it roller skating. I planned on doing both sessions but when 10 o’clock rolled around my body be like nope, not happening. I can’t even tell you the last time I made it to midnight.

Word count 666 which is another number I’m seeing more often than not lately. Unlike most I don’t associate this number with anything negative. I’ve reprogrammed my brain and I now associate it with balance and harmony. I kid you not it’s almost like every time I turn around BAM another angel number. I’m certainly not complaining I’m just saying, just another reason I know deep down things are truly changing for the better. Every time I turn around Spirit is getting my attention one way or another. Seriously now that I’m pondering it as I sit here typing this out, they’ve all gotten even louder since my melt down. So grateful to feel heard and be seen let me tell ya.

It’s been a rough road for the past four years but it’s all for purpose and I know that, I feel it. 2024 is a transformational year for everyone and I look forward to what the future holds. I know this year will be challenging to navigate at times too but when you focus on the positive it’s definitely easier. It’s safe to say I’ve matured more in the last four years than I have in the past four decades and I now choose to focus on how this world needs to be and thats all about peace, unity and sovereignty. Instead of focusing on what seems to be crumbling I’m choosing to focus on co-creating the limitless future based on love rather than fear with the universe and doing whatever it is that I’m being called to do which is help humanity every step of the way. Anchoring the Light, radiating positivity and healing others on every level possible. And for all of that I truly from every depth of my heart and soul say thank you and I’m so grateful and happy to be of service.

Even though I published this post last night I woke up this morning to this universal message. I don’t get these everyday so they are special to me when I do receive ’em. What’s even more awesome about today’s message is that last night I had a dream I was living in a flat that for the most part was all white. White furniture, white walls, white kitchen, you get it. Next to pale yellow white is my favorite color. Anyway my view from the sliding glass door was all green. It was the most beautiful vivid green meadows and land as far as my physical eyes could see. It was pretty rad. Seeing this message this morning was equally as rad. Yay.

Green is also the color of your heart chakra and the color of/for healing.

Love and Light