“Rad” and “Get Real”

“Rad and “Get Real”

Okay, so you know my growth game is strong when I’m like “hey dad, any desire to go to Barnes & Noble later?” First of all, I worked for Barnes & Noble College for seven years in Colorado which really doesn’t matter because I liked my job and loved the people I worked with (most of the time lol).

Actually let’s talk about that for a minute. A little shout out to Bryan Elmer for being, hands down, the best boss I’ve ever had. Some might disagree cause he could be a little spacey, quite forgetful and yes I’m convinced he blew smoke up my ass a couple times but I he was the best boss, and here’s why….when shit went down, he had your back.

He was a good listener and had great advice. He cared. He had a heart of gold and he never forgot where he came from. He gave second chances and he was transparent. He was human. He was a good guy. Still is. I miss my old B&N family in a dysfunctional and unconditional loving way lol. We had a lot of fun. Rollercoaster for sure but we were family.

Speaking of second chances, I came to the bookstore for a job at the end of my drinking career. I was still heavily drinking when he hired me. He actually just told me the story recently (like six months ago) and it just solidified how great of a guy he is. Long story short, he knew I was drinking cause he could smell it on me, and who couldn’t, but hired me anyway.

“He was human. He was a good guy. Still is”

When I told him I was leaving to go to California (which was a lie, I never left the state) he thought I’d solved his problem cause he wouldn’t have to fire me. Truth be told it was in that period of two weeks I had my last detox, saw the devil (literally) and sobered up.

I returned to work and ended up becoming supervisor for the next five years and had the opportunity to really get to know him. I don’t think he realizes what an impact he really had on my life and how much I actually admired and looked up to him. I did. I still do. Thanks B!

ANYWHO back to Barnes & Noble and my growth game. Reading was never something I was really “into” until my spiritual awakening. Now I can’t get enough. I surprised myself when I was bummed to hear over the loudspeaker the place was closing in 15 minutes, I was like, but I just got here, when I’d been there an hour already.


I opened a calligraphy book and the page I opened it to read three words. “Rad” and “get real”. Tears instantly filled my eyes because anybody who knew my friendship soulmate (what I called it before I knew true soulmates weren’t just romantic partners) Dana Tomsons knew that those were two words she used often.

All the fucking time. And it was her delivery of the words that made them so iconic. She was there in the bookstore with me that night. Big time. I miss her dearly.




A picture of my mom with Dana many moons ago now is the backing on my phone. Little did I know those two would be the President and VP of my Angel Brigade today. And they’re both with me everyday, every step of my way.


Because Angels are real. 

— Melissa Parker
— Your Friendly Neighborhood Fearless Leader

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