I got in my car the other day and I pat her on the dashboard like I often do when I get in to say thank you for my transportation and this particular time I added an I love you. I kid you not, I turned the key and in that moment without missing a beat the radio replied with, “I love you too.” I laughed so hard. Call it coincidence, call it synchronicity, call it what you will. I call it rad.
Sonja, my car’s name, has been very good to me. I call her my little humble mobile. She wouldn’t be everyone’s first pick but that’s by design. She’s been there for me and I’ve mentioned before that she’s not even mine. She’s a gifty-poo from Spirit through my landlord while I figure out what to do with my car. I’ve asked Spirit for help in the situation, as far what the best option is and I’m still waiting for a response so I just wait.
She’s old school, she needs a paint job but she gets me where I need to go. I love her cause she doesn’t have all the bells and whistles, she just goes. Have you seen the new Cybertruck’s from Tesla? I’m not a fan for a number of reasons.
You wanna know when I’ll think they’re cool? When the wheels lift up and it hovers like a landspeeder in Star Wars. Until then I’ll stick with Sonja, thanks.