Ravens are Rad

In the words of Dana Tomson’s ravens are rad. Rad was one of her favorite words. I sure do miss her. It was a beautiful day to wash my car so that’s exactly what I did. Couldn’t help but notice a raven across the street so as I’m talking to him I remember I’ve got some bread crust that I could give him. Even at soon-to-be 47 I still don’t like crust LOL. I then watched him cross the street from where he was, with bread in his beak, to where I was to dunk the bread in the gutter water and then eat it up. Genius. I love it.

And then just as I’m thinking to myself man what a gorgeous day, it doesn’t get any better than this, two Monarch butterflies fly right in front of my face. Simply magical. I love the Universe, I love mother nature. I love animals. I love butterflies. Thanks to the Most High for providing it all cause I love it all.

The power of love has the power to move mountains. “We are all connected, what we do to one we do to all” and that’s a quote from Jesus himself. And “when there’s injustice somewhere there’s injustice everywhere,” thank you Martin Luther King. It’s a domino effect and the domino effect is real.

Compassion and empathy are actually superpowers and a heart chakra that’s wide open in the midst of global chaos is exactly what this world needs so that’s exactly what I’m trying to do on a daily is spread my little domino effect of love as far as the eye can see.

My days aren’t always rainbows and butterflies but I do my best to keep my thoughts positive, be kind to everything I encounter and live by Mitch Millen’s seven rules of life…

1. Let it go…never ruin a good day by thinking about a bad yesterday.

2. Ignore ’em…don’t listen to other people. Live a life that’s empowering to you.

3. Give it time…time heals everything. That’s actually not 100% accurate in my opinion, time doesn’t heal everything but time allows you to learn how to live with pain easier.

4. Don’t compare…the only person you should be trying to beat is the person you were yesterday.

5. Stay calm…it’s okay not to have everything figured out, know that in time you’ll get there.

6. It’s on you…only YOU are in charge of your happiness.

7. SMILE…life is short, enjoy it while you can.

And I’ll throw in my own personal number eight, don’t listen to social media, in fact turn off your televisions and your smartphones and enjoy the people in your life who make you laugh, listen when you speak and inspire you to be a better version of you.

Love and Light