I wanted the article about the Beatitudes to stand alone, I didn’t want to interrupt it in any way so I opted to do a post-reflection. I’ll start with this, I knew of the sayings but didn’t know they were specifically called Beatitudes and I can’t help but wonder why. I’ve never heard the word in any of the years at my church attendance nor have I heard it spoken in The Chosen or even in conversation. I don’t know why that strikes me as odd but it does. Maybe it seems strange to me considering the importance of them all but it’s whatever because they’re here now and now I know.
Of course I had to pull a card from my Kryon Oracle deck before doing my homework on the Beatitudes from Alchemy of The Human Spirit. I love it when Spirit blows my mind, I almost live for it these days. As usual they didn’t disappoint, they never do and this is the card I received…
There’s a benevolent love in your life that will bring you good things. Start celebrating what’s to come. –Kryon
Expecting the most benevolent things for yourself and others creates a powerful energy that is then part of creating your own reality. -Lee Carroll
On top of that I woke up this morning to a Little Angel Message from Truth Well Told Tarot and this is what Spirit also had to say…
I love it! Thank you!!!
Back to my refection. Ever since posting about the family and feeling the need to put his dad in his place, it’s been in the back of my mind. Did I handle that properly? After doing my study on the Beatitudes I’m gonna vote probably not. Good thing Spirit doesn’t keep score because I now recognize what was meant for me to learn. In retrospect I think I should’ve just remained silent. As hard as it is for me to watch they’re not my lessons to interfere with so I just have to let nature takes its course so to speak.
Honored are the meek is what brought it clearly to my attention when it said that the meek are slow to defend when defense would seem appropriate, for the meek tolerate the intolerable. Now does that apply solely to me or does it apply to defending someone else is my next question. Regardless I maybe should’ve answered him with a that’s not very nice instead. I can’t hep but to also feel like I may have been projecting my own personal feelings about dads in general because of the last conversations I had with my own (step) dad on my out the door a few years ago. I’m gonna vote if that’s the case then there’s a little more healing that needs to take place and I’m also gonna vote that recognizing it and sharing it will do just that.
I have to clarify, the only reason I specified ‘step’ was because I don’t want it confused with my father who I actually call pops. My (step) dad raised me from seven but truth be told I never referred to him as my step dad, he was always my dad. He raised me as his own and there’s no doubt in my mind we too had a soul contract and just like my brother he was one of my best teachers. Thankfully I’m at a place where I can say all is forgiven and I love him very much. More truth be told, I send him blessing and love every time he enters my mind or my dreams. Like most hard lessons that need to be learned though, it hurt very much at the time because it was and is a matter of the heart.
Luckily I feel as though I was tested yet again today in a similar situation and I’m happy to report I passed with flying colors. This time I remained silent even though it’s really hard to watch but again they’re not my lessons. Just like Spirit brought it to my attention the behaviors of a narcissist, showing me exactly what I was dealing with, so will they too to others when the time is right. The Beatitudes also reminded me that everyone wakes up with their own divine timing.
I have to say though, I feel like I’m being tested left and right these days which would make sense considering I’m in graduate status. I wrote about that however long ago without even knowing exactly why or how so it’s pretty cool to get clarification. Whether it’s me testing myself, my guides doing it or the universe I have no idea. I just know I keep finding myself in situations that are testing my patience and seeing how slow to anger I really am. For example, yesterday at the dentist I dropped the F-bomb, whoops lol. Quick side note, I don’t know if someone said this or if I read it but I heard somewhere along the way she had the soul of a mermaid and the mouth of a sailor. I laughed so hard because I was like, oh my gosh that’s so me. I have no problem cursing but it is something I’m actively working on and have been. I don’t know though, for me, there’s something really gratifying about dropping a curse word at the right time with the perfect context. However yesterday at the dentist wasn’t one of those times, it was a test.
It came out before I could catch myself but it’s all good because I guarantee I’m the only one thinking about it after the fact. Can’t beat myself up because I’m simply fine tuning and at least I’m aware of that. In all fairness I was frustrated but I will spare you the details because leaders don’t complain. It will all work itself out in the long run and I know this, I just have to be patient. And now that I’ve written about it, got it off my chest, I can finally get it out of my head. I don’t know why the human mind likes play things over and over in our heads but I find when I get it off my chest, it dissipates from my brain.
Another test. I somehow bruised my right heel last Friday and just when I was a week deep into my new exercise regime (cause I’m working on my discipline). I have a new routine every single morning that’s now been put on hold. I don’t even know how I did it but when I took my skates off my heel hurt. Great no exercise of any kind really for a week. Now I can pout about it or I can do something else with my time, like um I don’t know read a book lol. All these little tests are to see my reactions. It makes it crystal clear on what still needs attention so I’m grateful but man is it frustrating. All for purpose though so it’s imperative I’m able to see the forest through the trees and I do, I see the bigger picture. I can’t graduate, I can’t ascend to the next level until I’m putting into practice all that I’ve learned. It’s 10:10 as I type this sentence.
I felt called to pull some cards from my vibration deck and these were the ones Spirit wanted me to see…

It’s 11:11
Love and Light