
Fountain Valley Skate Center is definitely one of my happy places. I can always count on certain people to ensure I have a good time. Definitely cut from the same goofy cloth as these two, they crack me up. I love how all three of us unknowingly threw up a peace sign. She had a little fun fact I wasn’t aware of. I guess I’m the first person who talked to her when she was brand new to the center which doesn’t surprise me, I’m always noticing the outsiders or newcomers wherever I am.

It reminded me of the time someone told me I had a gift for making people feel comfortable which makes more sense to me today and I’m sure will make even more sense in the days to come. Rooting for the underdog, taking notice of those who may feel left out are characteristics of having ones Mars in Pisces. Alex and Pete are good people, she’s a Sagittarius which also doesn’t surprise me, I love me some Saggies and fellow fire signs. Birds of a feather.

Always a good conversation with Laura Love as I call her, we’ve had some pretty good laughs. I thoroughly enjoy this facility and it’s really neat when I reflect on who I was when I first came through the doors and who I am now. I’m the same but different and for that I’m extremely grateful. It has definitely helped me with my confidence, not at making friends but with my overall self-esteem which is exactly what it was supposed to do.

Speaking of confidence I’m happy to report my backwards skating has gone from a beginner to intermediate and just goes to show that with patience and practice, anything is possible and at the very least both allow room for improvement. Correction, I’ve gone from a PVC pipe using novice to an official beginner. In all fairness I only used the skate mate once, it served it’s purpose as the tool I needed for the confidence to get out there and try. I couldn’t help but notice the aerosol can she was using for the skates (she’s the rental/repair chick), it was called Phenomena which hopefully you can’t help but notice that that’s the title of my last post. I actually think the can was phenomenal but close enough. I’m telling ya, I can’t make this stuff up. I write it then I see it or I hear it, it happens all the time.


As I was sitting out one of the songs I got a notification on my phone, it was my Google photos giving me a throw back from a year ago today and all I could do was smile when I saw that it was my mom and I. Make no mistake that it was my mom chiming in to say hello. On top of that I couldn’t help but notice the song playing, I don’t even know what it was, all I could hear was them singing about how proud they were (of me). It put an even bigger smile on my face and it reminded me of a passage I read last night from my book Conversations with God which just solidified what I already knew…

Listen. The words to the next song you hear. The information in the next article you read. The story line of the next movie you watch. The chance utterance of the next person you meet. Or the whisper of the next river, the next ocean, the next breeze that caresses your ear – all these devices are Mine; all these avenues are open to Me. I will speak to you if you will listen. I will come to you if you will invite Me. I will show you then that I have always been there. All ways.

It’s pretty awesome when you can stop the chatter and actually start to recognize all the ways Spirit communicates. Whether it’s my mom, God, my angels, it’s all encompassing and exactly why I say Spirit. I don’t need to know exactly who it is, it’s all of ’em all the time and there’s no way I could do this journey without them. Now that I know they really do exist and have more control over my life than I do (not really but maybe sometimes lol), it amazes me I actually made it this far, or at least up until four years ago. Then again, I probably wouldn’t be here if I was doing it all by myself. I’m sure the signs and messages were always there I was just stuck spiritually asleep in the matrix of it all. But that’s okay, it doesn’t even matter, I’m here now and that’s what does matter. All is with reason and all is for purpose.


a feather as I was sitting in the dentist chair the other day, it’s a stretch but I’ll take it
the clock on the way out

Love and Light