
From what I understand it’s going to be a pretty crazy ending to the year 2022 and beginning of 2023, hard to believe it’s already heading towards that time of year. Halloween is next month and before you know it it’s Valentines Day. I’ve been saying for a minute that this is the quiet before the storm and while I hope I’m wrong I think it’s important that we’re all mentally prepared for what’s to come.

Mercury goes retrograde on the 9th of this month which is really not that big of a deal considering it does it three to four times a year, however, when you include the fact that it’s the sixth planet to go retrograde right now it’s a little mind-blowing.

I don’t care what anybody says the planets absolutely, most definitely have everything to do with our lives. All these planets having this retrograde party, on top of the eclipses that are going to happen in the middle of it, will in some way impact all of us and some more than others. I don’t know whether to shit or shine but I know I best buckle up.

Astrology, for the record, has been “forbidden knowledge” for centuries, classified as a psuedoscience, and has been withheld from the majority for many reasons. Pseudoscience is a fake science they say. News flash, no it’s not. But that’s a conversation for a different day. The fact that it has been withheld so to speak should be your first clue that it’s accurate. Just another one of those truths that they don’t want you to know about.

Retrogrades. Check this out…

Mercury 9/9-10/2 (soon to go retrograde)

Pluto 4/29-10/8 (already retrograde)

Saturn 6/4-10/23 (already retrograde)

Jupiter 7/28-11/23 (already retrograde)

Neptune 6/28-12/3 (already retrograde)

Uranus 8/24-1/22 (just went retrograde)

Mars 10/30-1/12 (will go retrograde)

Mercury again 12/29-1/18


Solar Eclipse 10/25 (partial)

Lunar Eclipse 11/7-11/8 (total)

Astrology is pretty wild in the fact that you can study it your entire life and still have something to learn. Just as wild as we know more about the ocean than we do our brain and we don’t know shit about the ocean lol. Maybe it’s the other way around, I forget, the point is we don’t know dick about either one.

Retrograde by definition is having or being motion in a direction contrary to that of the general motion of similar bodies and especially east to west among the stars. Huh? Basically a planet appears to go backward in its orbit as viewed from Earth but it’s actually an optical illusion because all planets revolve around the sun in the same direction. I’m no astrologist but I can tell you that my birth chart, and every other accurate birth chart I’ve studied, is pretty spot on. Call it “woo woo” all you want, astrology is real.


These next couple months are said to take us down memory lane with old situations coming up again making it a time of completion for closure. That could mean a lot of different things from relationships to scenarios. Only God knows so be ready.

With all these retrogrades it’s time for major tranformations, all our pain transforming into wisdom. The eclipses will bring in truth bombs and eye-openers. Now’s the time to turn any fears and doubts into confidence which can be tough as we’re fighting the fabricated narratives.

Along with truths will first come lies, don’t be duped by misinformation. Do your homework because the information’s out there, you just need to know where to find it. I can guarantee it’s not from the evening news. Google nothing. Google lies, Google sensors, so Google nothing.

You want truth use DuckDuckGo as your search engine.

On YouTube subscribe to…

Russell Brand

Dr. John Campbell


After skool

Universe inside you

to name a few or one of my favorites, Leo King. I love the Leo King, he’s an intuitive astrologer who definitely says it like it is. Sugar coatin’…never heard of it lol. He’s definitely one of my go-to’s because all he does is speak truth. He knows a lot about a lot! For whatever reason I can’t upload his videos so it’s whatevs.

We are all a lot smarter and more creative than they give us credit for so stop doubting. There’s no wrong choices, only learning experiences. We are all here to shine so it’s time to let go of old limitations and use our imagination to change the way we look at things. You have to do different to get different.

Love and Light