Return of Me and Rise of the Narcs

Return of Me and Rise of the Narcs

Well it’s certainly been a while, a long while, but it’s with good reason. Gosh, now there’s so much to catch up on but I’ll do my best cause that’s all we can do. I’m also gonna hop off my vaccine soap box.

While I still truly believe it’s not a vaccine but instead an experimental population control jab that is just the beginning of genocide making history in what we call our world. Okay soap box be gone. What I really think, or know, needs to be the focus is my story, my experiences, my feelings and the vibration that we need to feel as a collective and how it needs to be higher.

So many angelic signs, my synchronies, I mean it’s all day every day and I’ll share ’em as I remember ’em. But you know what I need to bring up just a wee bit of negative to get to the positive. Let’s talk narcissism. Not that I really want to but feel it’s important because I personally believe a shit ton of narcs have been planted on Mother Earth to do the opposite of what I’m trying to do.


If you don’t agree with what I have to say or wanna nay say just because that’s what you do, then don’t read my shit. You shouldn’t care that much what people think of you anyway. Don’t let negativity rent space in your head, ever. Maybe just a little but then let it go and move forward cause they’re not worth it.

Narcissist. Noun. A person who has an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves.
Uummmmmm, meh, at best, of a definition for what I call the spawn of the devil. Literally. I don’t know if anyone noticed but narcs pretty much blew up over night.

I’m 46 and from my experience of dating off and on for twenty plus years, yes narcs blew up over night. Which brings up another point I want to make and that’s that everything is for purpose. Good or bad, everything happens for a reason. Everything. With that said, I dated a couple narcs here and there in the recent past before I even knew what a narcissist was.

Then BAM! BAM! BAM! I was hit smack in the face with three different kinds.

You’ve gotta understand that narcissism, like many disorders, has a very wide spectrum from (in my opinion) narcissistic tendencies to a full blown sneaky fuck known as a covert.  I will come back and give you details on all of ’em, but not today.

Today I just want to bring to the collective’s attention that they have been put here (like other bullshit) to distract us and to bring us down and make sure our vibration is low.

Ugh it makes me so mad but at the same time just makes me wanna work harder to do the friggin opposite. I  consider myself a Beacon of Light for others because no matter what I work very hard to keep my thoughts and myself positive.

Sure I have moments of not so much but I’m innately optimistic and I plan on keeping it that way. I mean, damn, I’ve been riding this storm of life lessons and transformation for a year and a half now and can say with total confidence that I have learned more and grown more in seventeen months than I have in my whole life.

No joke. I’ve had to overcome more tower moments than most would be able to handle. And damn I’m proud of myself for it. I’m a warrior, a spiritual warrior. Correction: I’m a fearless spiritual warrior who happens to be an Aries. Hear me roar.

So my focus now is to bring positivity to the ever depressing ever oppressing world we’re living in. Making history for sure but it’s definitely not a good history. It’s sad really. Sad to say it’s reality. Reality of the have and the have nots. Hell is a real life Big Brother but this isn’t a game, it’s genocide.

So with that said I’m gonna do my best to sprinkle my mom and I’s fairy dust of unconditional love over everyone who needs it and more. At this phase in my journey, nothing, and I mean nothing can phase me, nothing shocks me, nothing surprises me and quite frankly nothing can hurt me anymore either.

Literally been there, done that, sure I’ve seen it, yep I’ve heard it, definitely lost it and probably smoked it. So bring it.

If I can come out on top with a positive attitude then so can you.


— Melissa Parker
— Your Friendly Neighborhood Fearless Leader

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