It surprises me how often people don’t know their blood type, or the time they were born for that matter. I’ve always known my blood type, from the time I was a little girl, I even wore a medical bracelet as a child because it was so rare. It’s not until now as an adult I’m learning more and more about it’s origins and well some truths surrounding it. Super grateful for this curiosity gene that I do possess as I’m always diving deeper to learn more.
The Rh blood system in humans contains proteins on the surface of red blood cells. If your blood has the “Rhesus” protein you’re Rh positive. Rh negative individuals don’t have the Rhesus factor on the surface of their red blood cells referring to the Immunogenic D antigen of the Rh blood group system. Supposedly you inherit the protein from your biological parents however there’s no scientific evidence showing exactly where it comes from or how you actually get it. In fact, the origin is unknown. One theory, that I find very intriguing, is many believe it to be nonhuman. This mysterious blood produces antibodies which are fatal to unborn babies if the babies blood is Rh positive. That explains my miscarriage. Up until 1973 when the RhoGAM shot was introduced it’s estimated 10,000 babies a year were lost.
People with Rh negative blood have been reported to having ESP (Extra Sensory Perception) along with psychic powers and intuitive capabilities. Nick Redfern in his book ‘Bloodline of the Gods’ writes that those with the missing protein are different from those who are Rh positive. Very different. He also mentions Rh negative people on a spiritual level are highly perceptive and can even be considered somewhat advanced. Some would even say Rh negative blood is sourced from the original angelic human DNA from the stars, aka Starseeds.
According to The Happy Lady on YouTube University as I call it, some common traits of those with Rh negative blood are a feeling of not belonging, truth seekers, sense of a mission in life, empathy and compassion towards humanity along with ESP and intuitive abilities. She said a lot more interesting stuff pertaining to Jesus and bloodlines and the Bible. She magically crossed my path about a year ago to leave me little spiritual breadcrumbs, one about my blood type.
My blood type is B negative which is the second rarest blood type next to AB. Only 2% of the worlds population have B negative blood type. Since Spirits got me needing to not only speak my truth but live my truth I have no other choice than to tell you exactly how I feel about this topic lol. Boy, if people didn’t think I was nuts before, they’re certainly gonna lean that way now but what do I care, I’m not here to please people (anymore), I’m here to share truths. A majority of the world is still asleep and that’s okay but it’s part of my job as a Starseed warrior of the Light to help wake people up.
According to Caroline Cory who is a futurist and visionary who’s had contact with extraterrestrials since she was five years old, Starseeds more or less come here to activate and fulfill a mission bringing information to help humanity grow, evolve and shift. She talks about a lot in her interview with Michael Sandler and she actually spoke at DisclosureFest, I didn’t see her speak because I’ve seen her interviews already but she sure does have a lot to say, here’s the link for anyone who’s interested.
She agrees that Rh negative blood doesn’t come from human lineage, along with naturally low blood pressure and low body temperature, at least those are also signs of nonhuman lineage. In fact here are some tell tale signs you just might be other worldly…
-Strong feeling you don’t belong.
-You have encounters, either consciously or subconsciously, in dreams or meditations.
-You’re openly interested and naturally gravitate to anything paranormal or nonphysical.
-You believe in life after death or have had an NDE.
-You download information such as something scientific or another language out of no where.
-Physiological abnormalities such as Rh negative blood, low blood pressure or low body temperature. All are still within the normal range but abnormal at the same time.
Love and Light