Road to Recovery, Damn Day Walkers

Road to Recovery, Damn Day Walkers

Finally on the road to recovery after taking a turn for the worse two days ago.

It started Saturday with feeling achy, then I started feeling better and two days ago, I don’t even know what day it is right now, it literally hit me like a ton of bricks. I could barely move, I couldn’t go to the restroom by myself and was burning up with a wicked fever. And no it wasn’t Covid, I could taste the whole time and it wasn’t Covid cause, well, you don’t want to get me started on that subject.


SO, I’m supposed to get blood drawn today but the Pura Vita lifestyle here takes for friggin ever so I’m just waiting on my host mom to give us the green light so we can go. My left shoulder blade still feels like it’s shattered and when I lay on my back my left lung hurts, or maybe that’s my heart. Could be either right about now.



My fever broke the same night the ton of bricks hit (I’m pretty sure it was Tuesday) and in addition to breaking the fever, some crazy, magical shit happened that I’m not quite ready to open up about. Lets put it this way, my neighbor (who happens to be a traveling nurse btw, got lucky there, thanks Megan) thought I was hallucinating (the walls are thin and I was talking) but I wasn’t hallucinating, I can guarantee you that.

I got a lot of answers to a lot questions about my journey and my trip to Costa Rica, which is why my heart hurts, but I’ll be okay. Not sure why the vein on my leg is all “hey look at me” but that’s not normal lol. The rash on my back is getting better as well which was the number one indicator that it truly is dengue.

If I get it a second time, I’m in big trouble and the third time, well, you can guess. So it’s safe to say I have no desire to live near the beaches in Costa Rica, as that’s where all the stinkin mosquitos live. Speaking of mosquitos, so they’re known for being little blood sucking vampires anyway, right?

Well the little bastard that got me isn’t just a vampire it’s a damn day walker, sons a bitches suck blood 24/7. Ugh. Just gotta message from my mom here and we leave in a half hour. Good.

— Melissa Parker
— Your Friendly Neighborhood Fearless Leader

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