We are going to be experiencing quite a bit of energy in the next few weeks starting tomorrow with some serious cosmic alignments. December 12th marks the 12/12 portal along with the new moon in Sagittarius accompanied by Mercury going retrograde. The 12/12 alignment is a doorway that will allow us to enter and undergo different metamorphoses. It’s a gateway of light connecting us to our higher selves and divine essence. The energy will remain potent through the 1st of January which for most is the end of the year. A completion, a closing of the end of another year which is heralding a time of deep spiritual introspection. It’s allowing for spiritual closures on really old wounds, spiritual lessons and unfinished business. The closures are necessary for new beginnings.
Sagittarius is the energy of higher learning, higher wisdom and higher spirituality occupying the 9th house. Saggies are also associated with optimism and adventure making it an ideal time to bring our ambitions into reality and broaden our horizons. This new moon energy is pulling us into our souls to really clear the way for new energy and leaving the old behind. The combination between these two energies has the potential to help us activate our Light bodies, depending on where you’re at spiritually of course, aligning us with the purpose of our souls and bringing our dreams into reality.
Mercury goes retrograde on Wednesday December 13th in the sign of Capricorn allowing space for more energy clearing making room for manifestations that may have been stagnant or simply on hold. On the 23rd Mercury stations back in Sagittarius allowing us to feel that awesome Sagittarius energy again while finishing old businesses in order to receive the healing of a completed cycle. Mercury will go direct on January 1st in the sign of Sagittarius and is also when the energy of the portal comes to completion.
Mind you this is all happening with the Sun in Sagittarius so enjoy all the Saggie energy has to offer…the wounded healer, the protector, the teacher, the mentor. Wise ones are coming into their wisdom through all their pain and experience transforming it all into strength and more wisdom which is meant to carry us into our new soul cycle allowing for fresh starts in 2024. We will be entering the new year with new versions of ourselves, with new perspectives and new outlooks, new directions and new motivations. I don’t about you but that’s a big fat thank you for me!
This is a very powerful time so it’s imperative to keep your spirits high, your thoughts positive with all the optimism you can muster. This is a time of transformative energies so set your intentions. Be clear with the Universe with all that you desire. For me, I intend to empower my Light body and establish clearer connections with my higher self so I can be a clear conduit to receive information from the higher realms that flow through me. I intend to embrace more unconditional love and seek more clarity and insight for all it is that I’m here to do to assist humanity in the shift of consciousness. My goal is to live a life filled with loving kindness along with understanding and compassion for all that is.
All you have to do to enter these portals is have pure intentions while matching the frequency and vibrations of extremely high and unadulterated activities that bring you joy and happiness. These activities will look different for everybody but some may include and certainly aren’t limited to spending time in nature, singing, dancing, laughing, meditating, whatever it is that brings joy to your heart. If you’re connecting with your inner child you can’t go wrong so don’t be hindered by being a kid again. I connect with my inner child every time I go to Knotts and go roller skating or sing all loud in the car or the shower. Do whatever it is that enhances your mood and energy levels, those are the kind of boosts you want and need.
Lets not forget that on December 21st we welcome Winter with the Winter Solstice marking the shortest day and longest night of the year. All these dates in the next few weeks along with all the energies and planets and portals are very synchronistic making it very potent energy so be prepared for some profound spiritual activations and awakenings on personal levels. Some will awaken to their spiritual gifts while existing gifts will be heightened and strengthened. This portal is a time of introspection and healing so spend some quiet time going within (I’m speaking directly to myself right this second). It’s a time of release and a time for all our efforts and the steps we’ve taken thus far on our journey to transform like a caterpillar to a butterfly, to transform into beautiful wisdom, strength and healing.
Have faith that the Universe is guiding us and protecting us. Know that we are supported and loved in every way possible. Be willing to be open and responsive along with flexible in order to accommodate the changes that may take place. Surrender to the journey completely which is so much easier said than done but make it an intent to do so and then get out of the way while the magic unfolds. Allow yourself to be filled with love and know you’re exactly where you’re suppose to be and know that we are being guided in the right direction. Take advantage of all the gifts that are being bestowed with the sacred number 12 which is amplified with 12/12.
1212 is also symbolic of ascending to a more elevated level of consciousness. It also represents completion in closing a year divided into 12 months. There’s also 12 signs in the zodiac. There are 12 main gods in mythology. There were Christs 12 disciples, and the list goes on. When the energy of 1212 is present it’s also possible for all the pieces of the puzzle to come into play giving a sigh of relief and impression that we have finally found answers, or at least found what might of at one time been lost. The fact that the 12/12 portal is also in conjunction with the new moon in Sagittarius is no coincidence as it will be infused with it’s fiery and passionate energy thanks to the presence of the planet Mars. Gotta love the fiery energies, yes please.
Love and Light