San Diego Self-Care

I can’t express enough how important self-care is. Self-care can look different for everybody as we are all so very different. For me it’s important to take time out to do the fun stuff. I spend a lot of my time reading, learning and simply expanding my mind. I’m enrolled in a class right now as well so I find myself spending quite a bit of time in front of my laptop.

Last week my friend Megs and I made a day of fun in San Diego. It’s been decades since I’ve spent time in San Diego so I was eager to go. Not to mention it’s always nice to spend time with that one friend who truly understands you. At the very least she doesn’t look at me like I’ve got lobsters crawling outta my ears when I tell her things. She’s that one friend I can tell anything to and she, with no judgement ever, just listens and usually wants to hear more. Words cannot describe how grateful I am for our friendship.

We more or less went down PCH hitting most of San Diego’s fun cities along the way. First stop was Self-Realization Fellowship and the meditation garden (I accidentally erased all those pics) in Encinitas and then of course for lunch it was tacos at The Taco Stand. Earth’s Elements was our next stop for a little shopping and then coffee. I don’t generally drink coffee but I’ve gotta say the coffee I drank this day was delicious, maybe because it was free with her bag of beans lol.

We ended the day, after cruising through Pacific Beach and Mission Beach, we ended in Ocean Beach for some ice cream just chillin’ watching the water, and people of course. I had never heard it until she said it, but I gotta good laugh out of “sun’s out buns out.”

Between the two of us, the angel numbers were constant, I lost count after like twenty. Lots of 7’s, 9’s and 8’s being the most obvious. Spirit, new beginnings and abundance are always welcome in my world.

And then there’s 911 which I’ve mentioned previously and how it had nothing to do with emergency services. Well come to find out, actually I realized this a while ago but just haven’t gotten around to sharing it. 911 actually comes from scripture, technically it’s 29:11 but whatevs, I drop the 2 because it doesn’t matter, the message is obvious, to me anyway. Jeremiah 29:11 reads, “for I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future.” That also takes me back to my first prophetic message, so to me, it all makes perfect sense and every time I see the number 911, that’s exactly what I think about. Thank you God for everything.

Another number that I finally learned after seeing it quite a bit is 311. Besides a really awesome band, I somewhat recently discovered the meaning of this number. This too is scripture. And let’s be clear just for the sake of being clear, just because I don’t agree 100% with the good book, I believe it has some of the greatest stories ever told, but I also believe that a lot of it is the word of God. This number makes even more sense to me because I do find myself having to have the most patience with timing. A friend of mine gave me this card and is how I came to the realization of the significance of the number.


Another little peak into my world with something I like to spend my time on. If you’re wondering what’s going to happen in our world today, wondering if there’s hope, perhaps you’re questioning…is there a light at the end of the tunnel? The answer is yes and here’s a piece of how I know. Thank you Kryon (and Lee Caroll) for all you do. You’re just a piece of the puzzle that keeps me going.